iFLYER is Asia’s biggest source of information on music, festivals, club events and concerts. We release new information daily through several social network sites such as Facebook and Twitter!

In addition for iOS users, we have an iFLYER application that is compatible with all versions of iOS7 onwards.

It’s a free download so for those who don’t have the app download it now!

Function 1 Searches nearby events

Ever on a night-out with your friends or suddenly get an urge to go party? Well the iFLYER app does all the work for you. With the location services settings ‘on’ it will automatically search for hot events nearby.

Function 2  Various ways to search info

You can search for information on artists or events simply by inserting a keyword in the search bar or you can choose a date from the calendar to see what hot events and pickup events are on in town.

Function 3 Receive the latest information on favorite artists and genre

By logging into the iFLYER app through Facebook or Twitter you can STAR*D your favorite artists and music genres. 
By doing this all events related to your favorites will automatically appear by pressing the ‘my’ button.
This ‘my’ is your go to button for all the latest event on your preferred selection of artists and music genre.
You can even share the event information simply by clicking the symbol to the left of STAR*d to your friends via the applications installed on your phone!

Function 4 Maps to help you navigate to the event destination

Ever in a different prefecture or even a different country? Chances are high you get lost to your event destination. With the iFLYER application by pressing the event page it will give you a map and directions to the venue of your event!

So what are you waiting for? Download the iFLYER app now from here.