DRUNKEN KONG's eventshttps://iflyer.tv/artist/21440/iFLYER.tv RSS/assets/v7011/images/favicons_std/favicon-400.pngiFLYERhttps://iflyer.tven2018-12-30T23:19:07+09:00iFLYER.tv 2006 - 20182018-12-30T23:19:07+09:00http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rssiFLYER.tv v7.0.1112.31 (Mon) ageHa COUNTDOWN to 2019 -YEAR OF PRIDE- @ ageHahttps://iflyer.tv/en/ageHaCountdownTo2019/<img src='https://d38fgd7fmrcuct.cloudfront.net/h_150/w_100/1_3q21yg7sg36m2cy22y91y.jpg'/><br />2019年のスタートに、過去の来日の度に圧巻のパフォーマンスを披露し熱狂を巻き起こしてきた、兄弟ユニット “SHOWTEK”が1年半ぶりの登場!THIS IS ageHaと言っても過言ではない彼らの3年連続の来日は一年で最高で最大のBIG PARTY!! SHOWTEKは「We Like To Party」「Booyah」といったスーパーヒット曲を連発。 David Guettaとの「Bad」はYoutubeにて通算8億回以上の再生を記録! 2016年、2017年の2回の来日公演はまさに伝説となり2年でのべ8000人のクラウドを動員した人気のユニット。 ageHaにてあの夜を体感した人は忘れられない夜になったであろう。 間違いなく世界のダンスミュージックシーンを動かす存在である彼らがついにageHa COUNTDOWNに待望の登場! そして、日本が誇る若き才能”banvox”が自身初のSPECIAL COUNTDOWN SHOWCASEとして登場! 2018年から19年へのスペシャルセットを披露する! さらにDJ KAORI、中田ヤスタカらageHaの一年を象徴する盤石の布陣超豪華な日本人ラインナップを公開! なんとMITOMI TOKOTO&CYBERJAPAN DANCERSは2年ぶりにageHaカウントダウンに帰還! VIVID、SONE、WATARUに16周年にPICK UPをするBUNNYなど豪華なDJたちがラインナップ! ISLANDでは世界を股にかけ活躍するTREKKIE TRAXクルーがカウントダウン初のレーベルパーティーとして開催。 WATERには極上レゲエサウンドが帰ってくる!SPICY CHOCOLATをゲストにHIP HOP&REGGAEで朝まで楽しもう!日本で唯一初日の出が拝めるパーティーでもあります! BOXではREMO-CONをゲストに迎え、恒例の2AMカウントダウンやります! 「2時になったらBOX集合!」です! そして、カウントダウンにだけ出没する特設フロア「UNDERGROUND」では、Q’HEY主宰の国内最長寿テクノ・パーティー「REBOOT」開催。ガッツリ踊れるテクノサウンドに身を投じるのもGOOD! そしてそして、アゲハのカウントダウンはワンストップで全て楽しめちゃいます! なんとこの日限定の「揚羽神社」がお披露目! おみくじ、書き初め、御朱印などなどお正月らしいこと、全てアゲハで完結! ageHaの誇り高きカウントダウンパーティーを体験せよ! -------------------------------------------------------- ADMISSION|入場について We predict that it will be very congested. We highly recommend you pre-purchase a ticket and arrive by the 9 PM opening so you don't miss the countdown!! SPECIAL CLOAKROOM|特設クローク While there will be coin lockers at the venue, due to a potential lack of space we recommend you use the special cloakroom. One coat is 1000 yen. For a four-person or more group it's cheaper than a locker!! SPECIAL SHUTTLE BUS STARTING AT 9PM|シャトルバス For New Year's only, there will be a special shuttle bus running the Shibuya Shin-Kiba route from 9 PM, ending at the same time as this event. Of course, even if you miss the bus, the trains are running 24 hours!! SUBWAY|電車 大晦日から元旦にかけて、東京メトロ、りんかい線、JRなどの各交通機関はおよそ0時~5時の間、終夜運行を行います。 From New Year's Eve to New Year's Day, the Tokyo Metro, Rinkai LIne, as well as the JR will be running from midnight to 5 AM. --------------------------------------------------------https://iflyer.tv/en/ageHaCountdownTo2019/https://d38fgd7fmrcuct.cloudfront.netbw_600/bh_600/1_3q21yg7sg36m2cy22y91y.jpgageHa COUNTDOWN to 2019 -YEAR OF PRIDE-DOOR : ¥6,500 / AFTER 3|初日の出割 (3時以降) : ¥3,000 / ADVANCE TICKET(FAST LINE/優先入場) : EARLY BIRD TICKET TIER 1 : ¥2,980 / EARLY BIRD TICKET TIER 2 : ¥3,980 / EARLY BIRD TICKET TIER 3 : ¥4,980 / GA TICKET : ¥5,980 / GOLDEN TICKET (専用2F席エリア・ウェルカムシャンパン・専用CLOAK) : ¥9,9802018-12-31 21:00:002018-12-31ageHahttps://d38fgd7fmrcuct.cloudfront.netbw_600/bh_600/1_3p5hrby5cniparlwksst4.jpgKANTO関東TOKYO東京都35.642191139.82529CLUB01.18 (Fri) MATADOR at WEAVES @ VENThttps://iflyer.tv/en/event/309770/<img src='https://d38fgd7fmrcuct.cloudfront.net/h_150/w_100/1_3q02txggbihh32thu007g.jpg'/><br />Respected by Richie Hawtin and winner of DJ Awards’ 2016 Electronic Live Performer, revolutionary live artist Matador is locked in to play live at VENT on January 18th! Winner of DJ Awards’ 2016 Electronic Live Performer, Matador is a rare breed, consistently delivering breathtaking live shows, this master of the live gig has wowed audiences at festivals and clubs (Awakenings, Tomorrowland, Sonus Croatia, Ultra, Output, DC-10, Space Ibiza, Stereo Montreal, to name a few) all over the globe, and now he is set to play at VENT, so get ready! Since meeting Richie Hawtin, Matador has been a key person for the Minus imprint within the Dublin underground. With the back-to-back hits "Kingswing" and "Spooks" under his belt, and an innovative and constantly evolving live performance in his arsenal, it’s no wonder Matador has reached the level of success that he is at now. His relationship with Richie Hawtin has indeed been a fruitful one - he was appointed ambassador for Richie's MODEL1 next-generation mixer. Recently, Matador has set up his own label, RUKUS, which not only releases his own sounds, but also the music of a wide range of brilliant artists. Matador's performance has been organized by Weaves, which has delivered countless parties, inviting top talent from abroad, since their inception back in 2013. They are on the frontline when it comes to what's hot in the European Techno and House scenes, so prepare yourself to witness a massive chemical reaction when these two entities bond! In the past, they've brought prominent artists like Richie Hawtin, Loco Dice, Dubfire, and Nina Kraviz to Womb Adventure and the Resistance stage at Ultra Japan. And now Matador, with his continuously updated live set will be gracing the stage at VENT, so don't miss the epic opportunity! [ FACE BOOKイベント参加 ] で¥500 OFF ディスカウント実施中! 参加ボタンでディスカウントゲスト登録完了です。 https://www.facebook.com/events/322974111635207/ ※当日エントランスにて参加画面をご提示ください。  Join the event for ¥500 off !! Click " Join " and you are on discount list !! ※You MUST show your mobile phone screen of joined event page at the entrance. ※ VENTでは、20歳未満の方や、写真付身分証明書をお持ちでない方のご入場はお断りさせて頂いております。ご来場の際は、必ず写真付身分証明書をお持ち下さいます様、宜しくお願い致します。尚、サンダル類でのご入場はお断りさせていただきます。予めご了承下さい。 ※ Must be 20 or over with Photo ID to enter. Also, sandals are not accepted in any case. Thank you for your cooperation. URL : http://vent-tokyo.net/https://iflyer.tv/en/event/309770/https://d38fgd7fmrcuct.cloudfront.netbw_600/bh_600/1_3q02txggbihh32thu007g.jpgMATADOR at WEAVESDoor: ¥3,500、FB discount : ¥3,000、ADVANCED TICKET:¥2,5002019-01-18 23:00:002019-01-18VENThttps://d38fgd7fmrcuct.cloudfront.netbw_600/bh_600/1_3kr55eol9378fysvw8qmm.jpgKANTO関東TOKYO東京都35.6651911139.71293860000003CLUB