tomad's events RSS/assets/v7316/images/favicons_std/favicon-400.pngiFLYER 2006 - 20202020-05-01T23:17:01+09:00 v7.3.1610.31 (Sat) 【日程変更】岩壁音楽祭2020 - Gampeki Music Fes. 2020 @ 瓜割石庭公園<img src=''/><br />"Gampeki Music Festival" is an outdoor festival that offers a unique music experience by combining a venue of huge sheer cliffs from a quarry cut 100 years ago and artists who continue to pioneer the scene. The venue is a quarry. The stage is surrounded by a cliff of 50 meters or more that overwhelms the visitor's view.【日程変更】岩壁音楽祭2020 - Gampeki Music Fes. 2020¥8,000~2020-10-31 11:00:002020-10-31瓜割石庭公園https://d38fgd7fmrcuct.cloudfront.netbw_600/bh_600/1_3qqf7hnt1w03k520xxhh1.jpgTOHOKU東北YAMAGATA山形県38.0101023140.22800000000007FESTIVAL