WOMB's eventshttps://iflyer.tv/venue/1/iFLYER.tv RSS/assets/v7338/images/favicons_std/favicon-400.pngiFLYERhttps://iflyer.tven2024-05-19T13:03:44+09:00iFLYER.tv 2006 - 20242024-05-19T13:03:44+09:00http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rssiFLYER.tv v7.3.3805.24 (Fri) COLLISIONS @ WOMBhttps://iflyer.tv/en/event/351588/<img src='https://images.iflyer.tv/h_150/w_100/1_45ka16h2ycp7g28v8w95i.jpg'/><br />CRAIG RICHARDS と DJ MASDA が既に伝説となっている2022年の WOMB カウントダウン以来となる2人揃っての来日公演が決定。今回のパーティータイトルは CRAIG が ロンドンの FABRIC などで開催しているパーティー COLLISIONS! メインフロアは、CRAIG RICHARDS と DJ MASDA のみで構成される。またこちらも昨年の WOMB ハロウィンパーティー出演以来となる IVAN SMAGGHE が VIP FLOOR で 4 HOUR SET を披露してくれる。スペシャルなパーティーに注目が集まる。https://iflyer.tv/en/event/351588/https://images.iflyer.tvbw_600/bh_600/1_45ka16h2ycp7g28v8w95i.jpgCOLLISIONS前売券/ADVANCE ¥3,0002024-05-24 23:00:002024-05-24WOMBhttps://images.iflyer.tvbw_600/bh_600/VENUETOKYO000001.jpgKANTO関東TOKYO東京都35.6584164229085139.694976210594CLUB05.25 (Sat) 20 YEARS MULE MUSIQ @ WOMBhttps://iflyer.tv/en/event/351223/<img src='https://images.iflyer.tv/h_150/w_100/1_45d89pi3exp3xuw0ct1e5.jpg'/><br />Japan's highly esteemed and globally acclaimed label, Mule Musiq, celebrates its 20th anniversary by returning to Womb. Making a long-awaited return to Japan, Henrik Schwarz, who has graced Womb's stage many times, will perform alongside Japan's treasure, Kuniyuki, adding splendor to the 20th anniversary of Mule Musiq.https://iflyer.tv/en/event/351223/https://images.iflyer.tvbw_600/bh_600/1_45d89pi3exp3xuw0ct1e5.jpg20 YEARS MULE MUSIQDOOR: ¥3500 UNDER 23 ¥2000 前売券/ADV: ¥3000 2024-05-25 23:00:002024-05-25WOMBhttps://images.iflyer.tvbw_600/bh_600/VENUETOKYO000001.jpgKANTO関東TOKYO東京都35.6584164229085139.694976210594CLUB05.31 (Fri) MODERN DISCO @ WOMBhttps://iflyer.tv/en/event/351211/<img src='https://images.iflyer.tv/h_150/w_100/1_45cu6vm1ruuf0uiosb996.jpg'/><br />YOSA & TAAR 主宰による人気パーティー MODERN DISCO。 今回ゲストに登場するのは、彼らが最もリスペクトを送る音楽家/ DJ である大沢伸一。 さらに今まさに飛ぶ鳥を落とす勢いでシーンの最前線で活躍する Stones Taro に加え、YOSA & TAAR との親交が深く精力的なリリースを続ける Adee. A が登場。 また今回メインフロアのオープニングに抜擢された UTO にも要注目。 VIP FLOOR には SEKITOVA、FELINE、r1ku らがラインナップする他、WOMB LOUNGE にはレジデントである has、U NGSM を筆頭に MODERN DISCO ではおなじみのDJ 陣が集結。 サポートを担当した Yung Bae 来日公演も大盛況となり、ますます勢いに乗る MODERN DISCO をお楽しみに。https://iflyer.tv/en/event/351211/https://images.iflyer.tvbw_600/bh_600/1_45cu6vm1ruuf0uiosb996.jpgMODERN DISCO■ 前売券/ADVANCE ¥2,5002024-05-31 23:05:002024-05-31WOMBhttps://images.iflyer.tvbw_600/bh_600/VENUETOKYO000001.jpgKANTO関東TOKYO東京都35.6584164229085139.694976210594CLUB06.08 (Sat) Modest @ WOMBhttps://iflyer.tv/en/event/351579/<img src='https://images.iflyer.tv/h_150/w_100/1_45keo2tp6qdy9jb1glq16.jpg'/><br />DJ Sakuma, based in Tokyo and Niigata, hosts the techno party Modest at Womb. On the 2F Main floor, DJ Maria, a prominent figure in the current Japanese techno scene, will perform. Known for regular appearances at Japan’s premier outdoor festivals like Transcendance and Moment, she has also made her mark globally at top clubs like Berghain and Bassiani. This evening, she'll showcase an all-night BtoB set with Sakuma. The 4F VIP floor is hosting an event supported by the long-standing party series Guidance, which celebrated its 19th anniversary in January. The lineup features Altz, an Osaka-based genius known for his releases on significant global labels, including James Murphy’s DFA. Hiroshi Kawanabe, a foundational track-maker and DJ for Tokyo No.1 Soul set, has energized many legendary parties. Also performing is Masanori Ikeda, who has continuously released music under various aliases and styles through top domestic and international labels. Expect an evening of sublime dance music, showcasing the unique styles of these seasoned artists. The 1F Womb lounge features yama', who leads the Tokyo-Berlin-based crew snapout and works as a record buyer at Technique and Spice Records, alongside Satoshi Otsuki, who has been a resident at Womb for over 15 years and now runs the party Time Hole. Completing the lineup is Pixie from Kobe, known for her globally resonant, meticulously curated sets. Expect a night of intense, focused performances from these vinyl enthusiasts.https://iflyer.tv/en/event/351579/https://images.iflyer.tvbw_600/bh_600/1_45keo2tp6qdy9jb1glq16.jpgModestDOOR: ¥3500 前売券/ADV: ¥30002024-06-08 23:00:002024-06-08WOMBhttps://images.iflyer.tvbw_600/bh_600/VENUETOKYO000001.jpgKANTO関東TOKYO東京都35.6584164229085139.694976210594CLUB06.14 (Fri) We Go Back To Your Home @ WOMBhttps://iflyer.tv/en/event/351582/<img src='https://images.iflyer.tv/h_150/w_100/1_45k35mm9fx9ep8hmb2myy.jpg'/><br />From the repeating chaos, a new perspective was discovered. "We Go Back To Your Home," a midnight party organized by Puzzle, an art collective based in Tokyo comprised of designers, musicians, artists, and manga creators. On the first floor, the dance floor is crafted by rubber maniacs who have embraced true freedom. It is navigated by DJ Tasaka, who keeps people dancing with his ever-evolving grooves; Rainbow Love DJ Yo-c, who instills courage and smiles with his pure and joyful sound; and Sugiurumn, the key person who crafts a gentle and exhilarating rail, unlocking everyone’s potential. On the second floor, amidst the chaos, Otaku Hero Jun Inagawa ignites a fire in everyone's hearts, while "AcidTekknoDiskoBeatz" DJ Takkyu Ishino continues to create grooves with electricity, casting rains of light and connecting the rhythms of life. Unbuckle your seatbelt and enter another world. On the fourth floor, Eichi Abe continues his path to glory, painting the sky with meteors of unending drum beats; Shunsuke Kudo, founder of the electronic music research platform that explores electronic music from micro to macro and everyone’s cheerleader who plays with words; and the eye of the storm Nishimon&Ei, who drives a storm of bass into overdrive towards the sky of love. The dance floor is constructed by the endlessly dancing princess, ichichan, who captivates the floor with her naive, powerful, and beautiful presence. Let's dance through the night at Womb in Shibuya on June 14th.https://iflyer.tv/en/event/351582/https://images.iflyer.tvbw_600/bh_600/1_45k35mm9fx9ep8hmb2myy.jpgWe Go Back To Your HomeDOOR: ¥3500 UNDER23 & BEFORE 0:00: ¥2000 前売券/ADV: ¥30002024-06-14 23:00:002024-06-14WOMBhttps://images.iflyer.tvbw_600/bh_600/VENUETOKYO000001.jpgKANTO関東TOKYO東京都35.6584164229085139.694976210594CLUB06.21 (Fri) DOUBLE H PRESENTS HOUSETRIBE 9TH ANNIVERSARY @ WOMBhttps://iflyer.tv/en/event/351587/<img src='https://images.iflyer.tv/h_150/w_100/1_45ka0hwwsjngnarruc173.jpg'/><br />「日本から世界へ」をコンセプトに開催されているレーベル連動型パーティー HOUSETRIBE。 その活動範囲は国内にとどまらず、世界へと広がりを見せており、オランダで行われる世界的なダンスミュージックの祭典 ADE にて、2年連続でレーベルショーケースを行い、アジア圏でも台湾/韓国などで HOUSETRIBE を開催してきた。今年もすでに世界各地でスケジュールされているなど、円熟期を迎えつつある。レーベルとしても、HOUSE/TECH-HOUSE シーンでは全世界から一目置かれるほどに成長している。https://iflyer.tv/en/event/351587/https://images.iflyer.tvbw_600/bh_600/1_45ka0hwwsjngnarruc173.jpgDOUBLE H PRESENTS HOUSETRIBE 9TH ANNIVERSARY前売券/ADVANCE ¥3,0002024-06-21 22:00:002024-06-21WOMBhttps://images.iflyer.tvbw_600/bh_600/VENUETOKYO000001.jpgKANTO関東TOKYO東京都35.6584164229085139.694976210594CLUB06.28 (Fri) TOHO - 東方良音- × ENSITE @ WOMBhttps://iflyer.tv/en/event/351613/<img src='https://images.iflyer.tv/h_150/w_100/1_45klu1yk7t0ebaiu3eet4.jpg'/><br />The long-awaited TECHNO party「TOHO - 東方良音 -」Vol.2 will be held! A party that heralds the arrival of a new generation of TECHNO, DJs based in Japan and active in Europe bridge the current global and Japanese TECHNO scenes. This event, which attracted around 700 attendees, features one of Tokyo's most vibrant new-generation Techno collectives, 'ENSITE', and our special guest is a beacon of the next wave in the techno scene, BLANKA from Berlin! Her talent has been widely noticed in the techno scene, leading to invitations to perform at global institutions including Berghain, Tresor, FOLD, etc. ENSITE is a collective from Tokyo and garnering attention from overseas as a bridge between the techno scenes of Europe and Japan. In March of this year, members Yui, AI, and Isshin showcased their presence at HÖR Berlin, and in April, they had a collaboration event with the Berlin based collective "BCCO" 新世代のTECHNOシーン到来を告げるパーティー「TOHO - 東方良音 -」待望のVol.2が開催決定!ヨーロッパで人気急上昇中のフィメールDJ、BLANKAが初来日! 前回約700人を動員した本パーティが今回、東京で最も勢いのある新世代Technoコレクティブのひとつ「ENSITE」をフューチャー。ゲストにはスペイン出身でベルリンを拠点とする、ヨーロッパで人気急上昇中のフィメールDJ、BLANKAが初来日。Berghain、Tresor、Radion、FOLDなどヨーロッパ最高峰のVenueでも人気を博し、観客を魅了する彼女のエキゾチックで情熱を感じさせるDJ セットは必聴だ。 東京を中心に精力的にPartyを開催し人気を集める「ENSITE」はヨーロッパと日本のTECHNOシーンの現在をブリッジする存在として海外からも注目を集めている。今年の3月にメンバーのYui、AI、IsshinがHÖR Berlinに出演しその存在感を存分に示し、続く4月にはベルリンの人気Party「BCCO」とのコラボレーションでも話題となった。 既存のTECHNOの枠に囚われない音楽性と、多種多様なコミュニティ、カルチャーが融合する熱気溢れる一夜を見逃すな! (ENGLISH) 2F MAIN FLOOR, experience the crossover Techno showcasing the charms of Tokyo and Berlin. Alongside special guest BLANKA, Yui and AI from 'ENSITE' will be taking the stage. 'ENSITE,' known for its energetic parties centered in Tokyo and gaining popularity, is drawing attention from the global Techno scene as a bridge between Europe and Japan. In March this year, founders Yui, AI, and Isshin showcased their presence at HÖR Berlin, followed by a collaboration with the popular Berlin sesh 'BCCO' held at Circus Tokyo in April, sparking conversations. This year, Yui also played on the main floor of SESH, one of Berlin's most vibrant parties, featuring DJs such as DJ Gigola, Estella Boersma, Slin, and many more. 1F WOMB LOUNGE, immerse yourself in the finest House, Electro, Disco, and Techno tunes, promising a pleasant groove distinct from the main floor. Don't miss the electrifying sets of DJ SUNGA, known for his genre-defying grooves, handling 'EEZEE' under the label COREHEAD and stirring up excitement at festivals and clubs across Japan. kengotaki from the renowned FULLHOUSE CREW in Osaka, which also garnered attention at BOILER ROOM OSAKA in 2023, will be joining us. the2$ from ROIRO, creating a unique atmosphere with melodic and juicy bass sounds. tnseei and Isshin will perform from ENSITE. Isshin, based in Paris and also playing at clubs like WAX2 in Slovakia, his music spans from hypnotic to classic house and Detroit techno, drawing inspiration from a wide range of influences. Keep an eye on Isshin's energetic, delicate, and uncompromising play that continues to absorb the essence of the cutting-edge European scene. 4F VIP FLOOR, ENSITE founders Kotaro and tnseei will showcase an up-tempo Techno set, demonstrating the DNA of ENSITE. Also, check the appearance of KOSEI from ROIRO, who ignited the main floor at the previous TOHO - 東方良音-. Keep an eye on the Kurea, rapidly emerging as Tokyo's next-generation Female DJ." (JAPANESE) 2F MAIN FLOORではTokyoとBerlinの魅力がクロスオーバーするTechnoを披露。Special guestのBLANKAに加え、「ENSITE」からYuiとAIが登場。東京を中心に精力的にPartyを開催し人気を集める「ENSITE」はヨーロッパと日本のTECHNOシーンの現在をブリッジする存在として海外のTECHNOシーンからも注目を集めている。今年の3月にメンバーのYui、AI、IsshinがHÖR Berlinに出演しその存在感を示し、4月にCircus Tokyoで行われた、Berlinのparty「BCCO」とのコラボでも話題を呼んだ。Yuiは今年、DJ Gigola, Estella Boersma, Slinなど多くの要注目DJが出演する、今ベルリンで最も勢いに乗っているパーティー「SESH」のメインフロアでもプレーを披露した。 1F WOMB LOUNGEは上質なHouse, Electro, Disco, Technoがプレーされ、メインフロアとは違う心地良いグルーヴが充満することが約束される。レーベルCOREHEADの”EEZEE”を手掛け、日本各地のフェスやクラブをジャンルレスなグルーヴで熱狂の渦へ誘うDJのSUNGAのプレーは聴き逃せない。また2023年のBOILER ROOM OSAKAでも注目を集めた大阪のFULLHOUSE CREWからkengotakiが参戦。ROIROからはメロディックかつジューシーなベースサウンドで独自の世界観を展開するthe2$、ENSITEからはtnseeiとIsshinが登場。Isshinはパリを拠点とし、スロバキアのWAX2などのクラブでもプレーするなど活躍の場を拡げている。彼の音楽性は、ヒプノティックからクラシックハウス、デトロイトテクノまで幅広いインスピレーションに基づき、ヨーロッパの旬なエッセンスを吸収し続けるIsshinのエネルギッシュかつ繊細で無妥協なプレーには要注目だ。 4F VIP FLOORはENSITEのメンバーであるKotaroがENSITEのDNAを証明するアップテンポなTechnoセットを中心に構成。前回のTOHO - 東方良音-でメインフロアを盛り上げたROIROのKOSEI登場。東京の次世代Female DJとして急成長中のKureaのプレーにも注目だ。 【IMPORTANT】 RESPECT YOURSELF | OTHERShttps://iflyer.tv/en/event/351613/https://images.iflyer.tvbw_600/bh_600/1_45klu1yk7t0ebaiu3eet4.jpgTOHO - 東方良音- × ENSITE2500 - 35002024-06-28 23:00:002024-06-28WOMBhttps://images.iflyer.tvbw_600/bh_600/VENUETOKYO000001.jpgKANTO関東TOKYO東京都35.6584164229085139.694976210594CLUB