With multiple pandemics currently plaguing the world, it seems we should have every reason to worry about the future. But as Stevie Wonder reminds us in this song, worry is not a helpful feeling to have and doesn't serve anyone. This is BXP’s remote #StayHome version of Stevie Wonder’s classic that we submitted to “Cheer For Art” during our lockdown. Hope this video helps to take a little bit of whatever heaviness or worry you may have off your mind & chest!


「Don’t You Worry ‘Bout A Thing」の邦題は「くよくよするなよ!」ですが、あらゆる困難を乗り越え、積極的になろうというメッセージが込められています。国境や言語の壁を超えられる音楽を通して、心配せず前を向いて歩いて行こう!という明るく強いメッセージを多くの方にお届けしたくてコロナ直前に結成したバンド「BXP」のメンバーと「アートにエールを!」へ提出したリモートビデオをシェアします。

#StevieWonder #Cover
#StayHome #CheerForArt

Follow us on Instagram:
@mayahatch - vocals
@dennislambertpiano - arrangement & keys
@mihoterachi0901 - sax
@zakcroxa11 - bass
@danielbaeder - drums, mixing, mastering, video editing
@kimurives - vocal recording