先日、アメリカ人 DJ / Producerの Kaskade(カスケード)が、自身の大人気イベント REDUX(リダックス)の US ツアーの開催を発表した。

REDUX とは、Kaskade のアンダーグラウンド志向な DJ プロジェクト名で、日本では2016年9月に Sankeys TYO で初披露されている。

Kaskade は REDUX ツアー開催にあたり Twitter に自身の想いを投稿した。

REDUX... 考えていることがあるんだ....

"I have been meaning to sit down and write something but it has been an incredibly busy year… so I am just going stream of conciseness here on the short form thought platform, twitter. Excuse me. If you want it to make any sense try and read in order… sorry. When I write a song… I do this because it satisfies something inside of me. I make music cause I love the process. But in the end I like to share what I have made - although that part can be really really scary - cause people can tell you that you suck……that part can be hard. Nobody wants to hear that something they dreamt up in there head is crap - or does not work or whatever might be on the down side. So it can be a scary process - the sharing part that is… I tell this as it relates to redux. Originally it was a bit of a throwback for me. After loads of touring in 2012 I came up with the idea cause I was missing the club shows. Missing the small sweaty house parties. The vibe. Playing an arena is dope but it is different… So the idea was to try and squeeze in some of these kinds of shows in between the festival plays and the massive arena shows and all the fireworks on confetti etc. etc. To me it is not that one is better than the other… they are different. I love it all. I WANT THE CAKE AND I WANT TO EAT IT TOO. So I made some time to squeeze it in there… …then people were like “bro.. I seen you 17 times and I can’t get a freaking redux ticket cause I work and I am busy when they go on sale. Why you hate me?!”…. I have heard some variation of this kind of thing time and time again over the last 7 years since starting redux… this is the kind of stuff that keeps me up at night…. I don’t write a song and put it under my pillow. I don’t play shows so only a few can get in……so for the last few years I have been messing with the idea of trying to make redux bigger in size to accommodate more people BUT still keep the vibe and intention of the original idea… CAN THIS BE DONE?!?! I have sat with my team, had phone call after phone call - emails shooting out my ass. To try and get it right. I have gone back and forth explaining what I want and how I want to do it… Ultimately I went with this. The idea has to grow. It is impossible to freeze things and keep them exactly as they are. Impossible.  So after wrestling with this for a few years I tried it out in New York… That night. Oh man that night. That was it. The redux show I had there this past spring was it. Magic. This is what I strive for each and every time. That. That vibe. This is what it is all about……so after that night I could see that - yeah this can be done in a bigger room and still work. It can be more inclusive. It can be bigger than a few hundred people……this is how we got here. The fall tour of redux. A few bigger rooms, a few more cities… Now listen. I try to get it right. I try to do it in places that welcome this kind of sound and vibe but I can’t know the ins and outs of every city but my team has put a ton of effort into this and I trust we will get I right……now I know of a few of you are out there shaking your heads. I know I know. I get you. “Why couldn’t he just keep it small and how it was” I hear you but it ain’t 1997 it is 2019 and I am here for it. So we move ahead into the future. With the good and bad… So I really hope for the few Chad’s out there standing on the floor screaming “where is the drop you clown” there will be thousands of others that leave the club wondering what the hell just happened and when can it happen AGAIN!!!"


今から話すことは REDUX に関わることだから話すよ。


するとファンから「17回も Kaskade のショーを見に行ったけど、REDUX ショーのチケットだけは取れない。自分は普段働いていて忙しいから、チケットが販売開始になった瞬間に購入することはできないし、するとすぐ売り切れてしまう。僕のことが嫌いなのか!?」と言われた。

REDUX を始めてから過去7年間、こういったコメント以外にも、あらゆる理由で行けないというコメントを受け取っていた。だからずっと、もっと大きな会場で REDUX を開催しつつも、当初に考えていたあの雰囲気を感じられるようにするにはどうしたら良いのかということをずっと考え、探し求めてきた。本当にそれは可能なのか? ってね。

数年間、チームとアイディアを出し合ってはまた考え直して、ということを繰り返してきた。そして、実際に昨年の春、ニューヨークでREDUX を開催してみて分かったんだ。それはマジックだった。あの雰囲気を感じることができた。探し求めてきたのはこれだ、と思った。確信したんだ。大きな会場で開催しても大丈夫だって。だから REDUX ツアーを開催することにした。

もしかすると「なぜ今までのように小さな箱で開催し続けないのか?」と思う人もいるだろう。僕は君たちの気持ちももちろん分かっている。でも今は1997年じゃない、2019年なんだ。良いことも、悪いことも含めて、僕は未来に向かって動き出さないといけない。だからショーに来てくれて、REDUX の雰囲気を感じてくれて「一体今何が起きたんだ? いつまたこれが見れるんだ?」と考えながらクラブを後にしてほしいと思っている。

その後、Kaskade は上記で話しているニューヨーク公演の写真を投稿。



8月15日現在で発表されている REDUX ツアーの開催場所は以下の通り。

残念ながら日本での開催は現在のところ予定されていないようだが、フェスで見る Kaskade ではなく REDUX だからこそ感じられる Kaskade の音楽観と雰囲気を体感しに、海外遠征してみるのも良いかもしれない。


REDUX Official HP