Hi everyone long time no upload!
This is a footage of me singing my original song "Route 246" in the streets of Madrid. I still haven't had the budget to prepare a proper pin-up mic so sorry the audio is mediocre but I had fun shooting so I hope you do watching :)
Don't forget to sub and like!

Madrid で撮影した私のオリジナル曲 "Route 246" のエレキ街歌いversionです。音響の設備がまだ整っていなくて、歌が聞きにくいところがあるけど、、私はとっても楽しかったからみんなも楽しんでくれたらいいな!

Listen to Route 246 recorded:
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/2LWC2Xpfg6SJsA6bntonqJ
Apply Music: https://music.apple.com/jp/album/orb/1147496391?l=en

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◆ Rei
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