Gradate's events RSS/assets/v7010/images/favicons_std/favicon-400.pngiFLYER 2006 - 20182018-12-29T01:49:58+09:00 v7.0.1012.28 (Fri) Max Cooper @ VENT<img src=''/><br />Max Cooper brings a scintillatingly deep and fresh perspective to music that is unmatched by other, and now he'll be bring that aesthetic to VENT. Max Cooper has a knack for blending the sonic with the visual. He's well regarded for his fusion of electronic music and visual art/science, with ocular installation played against (or rather in tandem with) his live sets, he produces a deep musical experience that completely immerses the audience. Don't miss his preformance at VENT, on December 28th! Max Cooper is unique in the sense that he decided to pursue both music and science, simultaneously. He released some musical works back around 2007, and in 2008 he received a doctorate in computational biology. His Mesh label is the culmination of his passion for these endeavors, going on to release a wide array of collaborations through it. His live performances are centered on the full immersion of the senses, developing into the incorporation of 4D sound in a live show, teaming up with Canadian artist Maotik in a dome-shaped 360 degree Hyperform, and has even held audio-visual shows at Berghain and Aether. He's also collaborated with artist Future wife, and architect Zaha Hadid, gaining notoriety all around the globe. His mixes on the legendary BBC Essential Mix and the Balance Mix series has proven his aptitude as a DJ, which he has been doing since the 90s. His productions and performances have earned him a lot of credibility, including several Resident Advisor top100 listings in both the live and DJ categories. His latest album "One Hundred Billion Sparks", released in September of this year has gained him a good deal of popularity, and his return to Japan for this performance will be his first in two years. We're excited to see what sort of audio-visual tricks he has up his sleeve! We're sure he won't disappoint! [ FACE BOOKイベント参加 ] で¥500 OFF ディスカウント実施中! 参加ボタンでディスカウントゲスト登録完了です。 ※当日エントランスにて参加画面をご提示ください。  Join the event for ¥500 off !! Click " Join " and you are on discount list !! ※You MUST show your mobile phone screen of joined event page at the entrance. ※VENTでは、20歳未満の方や、写真付身分証明書をお持ちでない方のご入場はお断りさせて頂いております。ご来場の際は、必ず写真付身分証明書をお持ち下さいます様、宜しくお願い致します。尚、サンダル類でのご入場はお断りさせていただきます。予めご了承下さい。 ※Must be 20 or over with Photo ID to enter. Also, sandals are not accepted in any case. Thank you for your cooperation. URL : CooperDoor: ¥3,500、FB discount : ¥3,000、ADVANCED TICKET:¥2,5002018-12-28 23:00:002018-12-28VENThttps://d38fgd7fmrcuct.cloudfront.netbw_600/bh_600/1_3kr55eol9378fysvw8qmm.jpgKANTO関東TOKYO東京都35.6651911139.71293860000003CLUB01.18 (Fri) HANGOVER - New Year B2B Special - (7F) @ R-LOUNGE<img src=''/><br />シーンに新しいバイブスを提供し続けるHANGOVER。 2019年シーズンの幕開けは、都内ドラムンベース、ダブステップシーンで活躍しているクルーを招いて怒涛のB2Bセッションを開催!個性豊かなDJのスキルとセンスが起こす化学反応を体感してもらいたい。 ラインナップには、野蛮ギャルドな国内最長寿オリジナルジャングリスト・クルーSoiからDX、INZA。 ミュージカルなドラムンベースを軸にハイクオリティなサウンドを発信し続けるHuman ElementsからVELOCITY、JZT。 極太な低音で東京から世界へと発信している国内最強ダブステップ・パーティーBack To ChillからCITY1、HELKTRAM。 青山蜂を拠点にアフターアワーズで新境地を切り開いている白昼夢からGRADATE、SHINTARO。 都内シーンを盛り上げているクルーのオリジナリティ溢れるサウンドとバイブスは見逃せない! 迎え撃つは、個性豊かなスタイルでフロアを揺るがすHANGOVERレジデンツ。 ダブステップからドラムンまでベースミュージックを縦横無尽に駆け巡るKEN。 近未来サウンドと安定感のあるミックスでフロアの心拍数を上げるSHIGE。 そして、玄人好みのサウンドとミックススキルで世界観を構築するSATOSHI。 アンダーグラウンドで培ったHANGOVERクルーのバイブスがフロアを揺るがす! MCにはWeekend Raverで活躍している安定のSTONE、様々なイベントで活動しているMICHELがフロアをナビゲート! そして、BROAD AXE SOUND SYSTEMからの強力なシステムを導入し、R Loungeのフロアにドスッと重い低音が鳴り響く!! 初春月の夜に多彩なアーティストがHANGOVERに集結。 進化し続けるベースミュージックの世界を体感せよ!! [Guests] DX (Soi) INZA (Soi) VELOCITY (Human Elements) JZT (Human Elements) CITY1 (Back To Chill) HELKTRAM (Back To Chill) GRADATE (白昼夢) SHINTARO (白昼夢) [Hangover Residents] KEN SHIGE SATOSHI [MC] STONE (Weekend Raver) MICHEL [Sound System] BROAD AXE SOUND SYSTEM - New Year B2B Special - (7F)2,000yen 1D2019-01-18 23:00:002019-01-18R-LOUNGEhttps://d38fgd7fmrcuct.cloudfront.netbw_600/bh_600/1_3nxhg6vc739hfye52c64h.jpgKANTO関東TOKYO東京都35.6625048139.6978734CLUB