Boys Noize Releases 5 Hours of Free Music for Download

Update: You can now listen to Boys Noize new track "Brain Frequent" that's included in the BitTorrent Bundle.

To mark 10 years of BNR, Boys Noize has released the BNR10YR Bundle: Five hours of music representing 3,650 days of Boysnoize Records. The BitTorrent Bundle features 2 new tracks from Boys Noize, "Brain Frequent" and "Dawnload," a live Boys Noize set from Tokyo, a live Dog Blood set from Monegros Festival, an unreleased Boys Noize remix of Jackson & his Computerband's track, "Arp #1," two unreleased SCNTST tracks (“Punk01” and “Beat03”), and a curated selection of 25 songs, the best of BNR classics. Visual assets include a Dog Blood drawing, a collage of BNR album artwork from the past 10 years, and the BNR10YR logo designed by BNR’s long-time designer, Paul Snowden. Grab the bundle below and check here for more information.

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