josh pan's events RSS/assets/v739/images/favicons_std/favicon-400.pngiFLYER 2006 - 20192019-10-03T18:47:22+09:00 v7.3.910.25 (Fri) N_U_O × Beginning presents Josh Pan “Halloween Special” @ WOMB<img src=''/><br />SPECIAL GUEST: josh pan RESIDENT: SHOHO, FUMI LINE UP: Allen Mock x Herbalistek (Beginning), SAKO × yuri (Beginning), ChmaE (Beginning), 329 (N_U_O), Nackii (N_U_O) VJ: mika, OTP VIP LOUNGE -TUBEROSE- GUEST: kyou LINE UP: Hana3n, MIHONO, KANAMI, RINALUCKY, Kanzawa Chika, Dirty Tiger, Limo WOMB LOUNGE: MUSHA, myu×Napus, KOEBI, OHJI, UTAKICHI x Revol, Aranck, Orion OPEN: 22:30 CLOSE: 4:30 DOOR: TBA MUSIC: BASS,TRAP,HIP HOP Neo Urban Original のコンセプトのもと、ベースミュージックを軸に東京の今を表現し、20代前半の若年層から絶大な人気を誇るパーティー N_U_O をハロウィンウィークエンドに開催!! 今回は、未成年も参加できて世界基準のアーティストを年代関係なく間近で体感できるをコンセプトに、CIRCUS Tokyo を軸にイベントを開催している Beginning とのコラボ開催。 N_U_O, the party that is immensely popular among youth in their early 20s for capturing the present state of Tokyo, mainly through bass music, based on the concept of Neo Urban Original, will be held on Halloween weekend!! The concept of this party is to allow people of every generation to enjoy world-class artists from up close, as underage guests are also welcome this time. This party will be hosted in collaboration with Beginning, which puts on events such as CIRCUS Tokyo. The guest for this party is Josh Pan, who is based in New York and belongs to Skrillex's OWSLA label!! × Beginning presents Josh Pan “Halloween Special”DOOR: MEN ¥3000 WOMEN ¥2500 全身の70%以上仮装: ¥1000 off / ワンポイント仮装: ¥500 off (※エントランスにてスタッフが判断させていただきます) 2019-10-25 23:00:002019-10-25WOMBhttps://d38fgd7fmrcuct.cloudfront.netbw_600/bh_600/VENUETOKYO000001.jpgKANTO関東TOKYO東京都35.6584164229085139.694976210594CLUB