Daichi's eventshttps://iflyer.tv/artist/55351/iFLYER.tv RSS/assets/v7310/images/favicons_std/favicon-400.pngiFLYERhttps://iflyer.tven2019-11-11T08:33:30+09:00iFLYER.tv 2006 - 20192019-11-11T08:33:30+09:00http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rssiFLYER.tv v7.3.1011.16 (Sat) Escapist Open Air @ 白浜フラワーパークhttps://iflyer.tv/en/event/319342/<img src='https://d38fgd7fmrcuct.cloudfront.net/h_150/w_100/1_3s66f6c4e95rvsyny7rlu.jpg'/><br />હঔঌ Escapist open air ঌঔહ We try to gathering all underground music lover❤️. Present the Art / High quality & cross genre Music/ Unity/ Dimensional / Experience⑉⑉⑉ Asia undergroud tribe all together ⦿ PLACE ⦿ ⚉白浜フラーワパーク ⚉千葉県南房総市白浜町根本1454   ⦿ DAY & TIME ⦿   ⚉ 2019/11/16-17  ⚉ Gate Open 11/16 14:00  ⚉ Music Start 11/16 16:00  ⚉ Music End 11/17 14:00 ⦿ Ticket Info ⦿  ⚉ Advance Ticket - 6000 YEN (limitd 200) https://iflyer.zaiko.io/_buy/1l4G:4z5:0a550  ⚉ Day Ticket - 8500 YEN  エントランス受付  ⚉ Camp Ticket - 1000YEN/ 1 Group エントランス受付  ⚉ Parking Fee - 1000YEN/ 1台 エントランス受付 ⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤      ❂❂❂花 Floor❂❂❂ ☯︎ Live act ☯︎ ◆ Simiantics - Peak Records - New Zealand  https://soundcloud.com/simiantics ◆ Groovebox- Grasshopper Records / Reversible Records - Japan https://soundcloud.com/groovebox- ✥ DJs A-Z ✥ ◆ BuzZ - Sangoma Records - Japan https://soundcloud.com/buzz-eiichi ◆ Core - Core - China ◆ Daksinamurti - Sangoma Records - Germany https://soundcloud.com/daksi ◆ Dong Fang - Escapist - China https://soundcloud.com/su-yao-chen ◆ Daichi - 0=zero production / Ascension - Japan https://soundcloud.com/daichi-tsuruoka ◆ Fugui - World People Production / Yuanqi - China https://soundcloud.com/yuanqiparty/2018-03-31-dj-fugui-suanfullpower ◆John Lee - PurpleHexagon Records / Lost Project - Thailand https://soundcloud.com/john-lee-lost-project ◆Lulu - Alien Records / 0=zero Production - Japan https://soundcloud.com/lulumix ◆Misaki - CandyFlip - Japan https://soundcloud.com/misaki-tomita ◆Morrieo - Parvati Records - Japan https://soundcloud.com/dj_morrieo ◆Masaki - Loop - Japan https://www.mixcloud.com/masaki-shindo/ ◆MI-BOU - Yapaii Record/Brain Wash/Wana Bar - Japan ◆Mio - Baccara - Japan https://m.soundcloud.com/mio-mio-282559309 ◆ Pzychobiz - BMSS Records / Magic Moutain - Thailand https://soundcloud.com/pzychobiz ◆ Soniya - Moon Fairy Project - Taiwan https://soundcloud.com/soniya-moon-d ◆ Satoru - SquareLab Music / Wing Makers / 森羅万象 - Japan https://soundcloud.com/dj-satorie ◆Yaolic - YOU - China https://soundcloud.com/cmrnotmkoc4p ❂❂❂ CREATOR TEAM ❂❂❂ ►3D Mapping & Stage Design - NYC Production https://www.facebook.com/NYCProductionVisual/ ► Floor Decoration - Psychedelic Dream Temple (South Africa) https://www.facebook.com/psychedelicdreamtemple/ ► Floor Sound Design - OtOdashi Sound System ► Artwork by Kumud's Freqs 共存頻 https://www.facebook.com/kumudsfreqs/ ⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤     ❂❂❂Seeds Floor❂❂❂ ☯︎ Special Live Act ☯︎ ◆J. Fever - Experimental Hiphop Live From China https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jsVaeCLJjHs ◆ChaCha - Vocal Live From China https://soundcloud.com/yehaiyahan https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C9zcnyO3vkc ◆Howie Lee - Do Hits Collective - China https://soundcloud.com/howielee ✥ DJs A-Z ✥ ◆Bun Saito - Pandora - Japan ◆DJ Choko - Digitalblock - Japan ◆D.a.n - Free - UK https://www.mixcloud.com/dan151/ ◆DJ G. - The Sharing / Liquid Drop Groove - Japan ◆HIDEFUMI WATANABE - Space Flower - Japan https://soundcloud.com/dj-hidefumi-watanabe ◆HIDAI - OtOdashi / Paramount - Japan https://www.facebook.com/soloche.hidai ◆HIRO - Sleeping Bag/Sense of Forest - Japan https://soundcloud.com/sleepingbag2008/2015-11-08-hiro-techno-mix ◆I.P.U - A santa at NASA - Japan https://www.mixcloud.com/藤本愛子/ ◆KSK - 森羅万象 - Japan https://www.mixcloud.com/keisukeonodera73/ ◆KOHEY - Alive/HappyShake/Escapist - Japan ◆Takishima - Sleeping Bag - Japan ◆Michiru - IDPS/0=Zero Production - Japan https://soundcloud.com/yuuki-michiru ◆masa❷ - Rajas records/Sound of Fly - Japan ◆OTO - 0=Zero Production - Japan https://www.mixcloud.com/naoto-fujii/ ◆DJ Yu-Ta - Response / ZIPANG - Japan ❂❂❂ CREATOR TEAM ❂❂❂ ► Lighting & Decoration - 大島エレク総業 https://www.facebook.com/oshimaelecsogyo/ ► Floor Sound Design - UG.J & System https://www.facebook.com/UG-JSystem-111508382705708/ ►LED performers :Kitty Fusion ⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤ ◼︎Food Info ◆HappyShake ◆Pirates crepe And More....Food 出店募集中☻☻☻ ◼︎Shop Info ◆Hedonism ◆Hadou ◆Terrapin station ◆Escapist ◆KAI World ◆黒猫Works ◆CATANA ◆HIMALAI TRiP MARKET And More....Shop 出店募集中☻☻☻ ⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤ ◼︎Hotel Info.  送迎車運行予定☻☻☻ 白浜オーシャンリゾートホテル  https://shirahama-ocean-resort.com/ カントリーハウス ホテル ティパサ https://tipasa.info/ ペンション シーガル http://r.goope.jp/seagull/ ⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤ ◼︎◼︎◼︎ACCESS◼︎◼︎◼︎ 東京から ◼︎電車 ➢ バス JR内房線館山駅乗換、白浜行きバスにて白浜フラーワパーク前下車 ◼︎車 首都高湾岸線からアクアラインにて館山自動車道、下り館山方面〜富浦IC〜国道16から国道127館山方面、館山市内経由国道410白浜方面25分 千葉県北部から ◼︎車以外 JR内房線館山駅乗換、白浜行きバスにて白浜フラーワーパーク前下車 ◼︎車 京葉道路から館山自動車道、下り館山方面へ〜富浦IC〜国道127館山方面、館山市内経由国道410白浜方面25分 ⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤ ●●●NOTICE●●● ●当日、会場のエントランスにて前売り券の提出、もしくは、エントランス代金をお支払ください。駐車場代もその時にお支払お願い致します。 ●雨天決行ですが、悪天候や他事情でのイベント中止による払い戻しはできません。 ●駐車はスタッフの指示に従ってください。 ●イベント中の車の出し入れが不可となる場合があります。 ●キャンプサイトの近くから駐車していきますので、早い時間の到着をお勧めいたします。 ●イベント開催中の宿泊施設などの利用による会場の出入りについては、近隣への迷惑をかけない配慮としてタクシーの利用をお勧め致します。 開催中に出入りできる駐車場が限られているため先着順となります。外出後に出入りできる駐車スペースが空いていないこともありますので、ご理解お願い致します。安全第一で最善の行動をお願い致します。 ●タープは1グループ1つまでで、テントに連結などしてコンパクトに設営願います。 ●キャンプサイトのエリア外にテントやタープを張られている場合は移動させていただきます。 ●野外イベントですので、天候の変化に対応した服装等の用意や、水分補給など各自で健康管理を行っていただきますようお願い致します。 ●子供同伴の場合は、ケガや事故の無いようにご注意ください。 ●ビン類の持込は禁止です。 ●ゴミは必ず各自お持ち帰りください。 ●飲酒運転及び、危険物の持ち込みは禁止です。 ●会場内外で発生した事故、事件、盗難、紛失等に対して、関係者一同一切の責任を負いません。貴重品の管理や責任をもった行動を各自お願いします。 ●会場付近に民家が何軒かあり、事前に今回のイベントについてのご協力は頂いておりますが、住民の迷惑とならないようにお願いします。 ●会場内やキャンプサイトでスピーカーを鳴らすのは禁止致します。 ●イベントでのマナーを守れない方、迷惑になる行為をされている方は、退場して頂く場合があります。 ●あとは、マナーを守って自然に感謝し存分に楽しみましょう ●●●●●NOTICE●●●●● ○Please present your advance ticket or pay entrance fee at entrance of the event.The parking fee is also to be paid at same time. ○The event will be held as scheduled in case of rain. However, Tickets will not be refunded for the cancellation of the event due to severe weather conditions or other unforeseen circumstances. PARKING ○Please follow the instruction of the staff for parking. ○You might not be able to take your car in and out of the place during the event. ○We recommend you to come early as possible, since we ask people to park at the closet spaces to the campsites. ○We recommend you to take a taxi to go in and out of the event place (such as going in and out of the accommodation place), so that you won’t bother the people living nearby. Since the number of parking spaces are limited, whoever comes first will be served first. There might be no parking spaces available after you go out. We ask for your kind understanding and cooperation. Please make your best effort to behave safely and quietly in the surrounding neighborhood. ○Only 1 tarp is allowed to use per 1 group. To allow as many groups as possible in the event site, please try to minimize the space used, such as by connecting the tarp to the tent. Other Precautions and Restrictions ○Tents and tarps set up outside of the camping site will be moved. ○Please bring and wear appropriate clothing for an outdoor event. Also make sure to take control of your health, such as taking in water to prevent dehydration. ○If you have a child with you, please be extra careful in preventing injuries and accidents. ○Important! = Please do not bring any glass bottles with you to the event. This includes wine bottle, spirits and any size glass bottles. ○What comes with you goes with you. Please remember to bring all garbages home. ○Please do not drink and drive. Bringing dangerous items into the event site is also forbidden. ○We do not bare any responsibility for any accidents or troubles (such as robbery or lost belongings) inside or outside the event site. Please be careful of your belongings and be responsible for your own actions so everyone can go home with happy memories. ○The neighbouring community has kindly understood and allowed us to host this event;therefore, please act accordingly so we can come back again. ○It is prohibited to use speakers inside the event site or on the camping site. ○If you cannot follow the event rules or bothering others, you will be asked to leave. ○Follow the rules, be thankful for the beautiful nature and let’s have a great a time. ⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤https://iflyer.tv/en/event/319342/https://d38fgd7fmrcuct.cloudfront.netbw_600/bh_600/1_3s66f6c4e95rvsyny7rlu.jpgEscapist Open Air⚉ Advance Ticket - 6000 YEN Info coming soon…  ⚉ Day Ticket - 8500 YEN  エントランス受付  ⚉ Camp Ticket - 1000YEN/ 1 Group エントランス受付  ⚉ Parking Fee - 1000YEN/ 1台 エントランス受付2019-11-16 16:00:002019-11-16白浜フラワーパークhttps://d38fgd7fmrcuct.cloudfront.netbw_600/bh_600/1_3oqgiq410k8v9n3j5ylb0.jpgKANTO関東CHIBA千葉県34.9107898139.8288341FESTIVAL