- Festival Etiquette -
- 音樂祭禮儀 -
“ルール・マナー”でもない、規制でもない。快適で気持ちよいフジロックをつくるのは、参加者ひとりひとりの気持ちが大切。国境を越え、文化を越え、フジロックから始まるあたりまえのエチケットを、あえて -OSAHO-(お作法)と呼び、キャンペーンを展開いたします。

 “Osaho” is a traditional Japanese phrase meaning “etiquette” or “procedure”. This video is to remind us all to be respectful and mind your manners at Fuji Rock Festival ’18 to help make the Fuji Rock experience great for yourself and everyone!

“OSAHO” 是中文翻譯成 “禮儀” 或 “關懷”。這影片是為了大家能在富士搖滾音樂祭的美景下開開心心分享精彩表演,所以我們溫馨提醒所有人需要尊重和禮貌。

「BUNBETSU」(Sort) Sort Your Garbage, Save The Earth.
「HOOCHI」(Abandoned) You move you lose. Take your stuff with you!
「BUNEN」(Separated Smoking) Duh! Only smoke in smoking areas.
「KAPPA」(Rain Coat) Give up. You’re gonna get rained on. Use a coat.

「HOOCHI」(放置) 東西留下便算沒有了。自己東西自己帶好!
「BUNEN」(分煙) 當然啊!吸煙就在吸煙區吸嘛!
「KAPPA」(雨衣) 放棄吧。反正下雨會濕,穿雨衣吧。

Fuji Rock Festival was once known around the world for being the “cleanest festival in the world”. Not only can you help keep the festival and its grounds clean, by sorting (BUNBETSU) your garbage and throwing it away in the correct bin, you can help us reduce, reuse and recycle.

富士搖滾音樂祭(Fuji Rock Festival)曾經是著名為“史上最清潔的音樂祭”。我們不但只保持場地內乾淨,通過分類(BUNTESU)將垃圾丟進正確的垃圾桶,您一瞬間幫助了地球環保3R - Reduce, Reuse, Recycle。

Leaving items such as leisure sheets and chairs around the festival site not only take up space but, can become hazards for other festival goers. So don’t abandon (HOOCHI) your festival gear!


Smoke ‘em if you got ‘em. But only in designated smoking areas. Separated smoking areas means you’re not bothering anybody with your smoke, and nobody will bother you about it either!

想抽煙?請抽!但是請去到抽煙區 ,這就是分煙(BUNEN) 您就不用擔心您的煙會影響到其他人,其他人也不會管您!

Using a rain coat (KAPPA) not only protects you from wind and rain, it leaves your hands free to wave and clap or hold hands with someone! Umbrellas are not only dangerous in a crowd, it can block the view for other audience members. Just Say No To Umbrellas!

穿雨衣(KAPPA) 就不怕風雨了!而且您的雙手都空就能拍掌、牽您情人的手啦!雨傘不但對其他觀眾危險,而且還會擋著其他觀眾的眼線。總之絕對不帶雨傘就好了!