Dochamenco is a very unique name. As a matter of fact he is the only bearer of this label in the world. The roots of his name are not well known. But just as his name this dj carries a singular style.
His Latin roots, Asian heritage and international education allow him to move well in any realm. There exist no barriers of language or sound in his world.
Based in Tokyo he is one of the few who properly plays Reggaeton giving a bit of Latin flavor to the Japanese crowd.
Dochamenco is an all round DJ and can get the crowd going mixing electro, house, regueton, latin, tribal, etc.
Dochamencoはとてもユニークな名であり、その名の由来は未だ謎である。その名と同様、Dochamencoのプレースタイルも独特である。ラテンと日本の血筋を受け継ぎ、海外での教育を経たDochamencoは多彩な場で活躍できる。Dochamencoの世界では言葉や音楽の壁は存在しない。東京を活動拠点としているDochamencoは国内では数少ないLATIN DJである。彼の手にかかればフロアはカーニバルへと変化する。Dochamencoはelectro, house, regueton, latin, tribal等の様々なジャンルの音楽を操り、皆を踊り狂わせる。
Producer Career:
Dochamenco is also active as an event producer actively participating in the organization of events through the brand G-CREW which is managed by several talented individuals.
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