02.11 (Tue)
彼らの音楽は、生粋の"ロック"です。Foo Fighters / Pearl Jam / Stone Temple Pilots 等の90年代ロックミュージシャンの影響を色濃く受けています。Ponziの声質は、力強い叫び声から心地よいウィスパーヴォイスまで幅広く、トムウェイツそっくりの嗄れた歌声も持ち味のひとつです。Mattiaのドラムは、彼がメタルのドラマーだったこともあり、とてもパワフルです。Astridのベースはシンプルだが、時に流れるように、時にズッシリと響き、曲をつないでくれます。バンドの曲は、思わず飛び跳ねて、体が踊るような曲もあれば、人生について考えさせられたり、ゆっくりリラックスできる曲もあります。彼らの曲を聴くと、純真なロック=グランジ音楽絶頂の90年代の良き日々に戻ったかのような気持ちになります。
The band's music is basically naked rock, heavily influenced by 90's artists such as the Foo Fighters, Pearl Jam, Stone Temple Pilots and more. Ponzi's vocals range from the angsty scream to a mellow whisper and has been known to sound very much like Tom Waits. Mattia's drums are powerful owing to his background as a metal drummer. Astrid's bass is simple yet fluid and solid effectively tying the songs together. They have songs that can make you jump and dance, think about life, or just chill and relax. Listening to them play makes one reminisce about the good old 90's, a time for grunge and honest rock and roll.... More Biography
The band's music is basically naked rock, heavily influenced by 90's artists such as the Foo Fighters, Pearl Jam, Stone Temple Pilots and more. Ponzi's vocals range from the angsty scream to a mellow whisper and has been known to sound very much like Tom Waits. Mattia's drums are powerful owing to his background as a metal drummer. Astrid's bass is simple yet fluid and solid effectively tying the songs together. They have songs that can make you jump and dance, think about life, or just chill and relax. Listening to them play makes one reminisce about the good old 90's, a time for grunge and honest rock and roll.... More Biography