The full lineup for Modeselektor's headlne show "GAN-BAN NIGHT SPECIAL feat. MODESELEKTOR" has been announced. Japanese DJs such as Takyu Ishino, DJ KENTARO, Sugiurumn, SEKITOVA, eli walks, SUNSEAKER, QUARTA330 are scheduled to play.

Tickets for the event are available at iFLYER (which you can buy here) and you can check out the full lineup and trailer below. 

Lineup: MODESELEKTOR [LIVE] with Pfadfinderei [VUSUAL], TAKKYU ISHINO, DJ KENTARO, SUGIURUMN, SEKITOVA, eli walks, SUNSEAKER, QUARTA330 [LIVE], SHARRE (Kompakt), A Taut Line (Greeen Linez / Diskotopia), Mr.Tikini (OSIRIS DCLXVI), Am Rhein (Diskotopia), tsune23, Takeru John Otoguro (, K (Play decibel), KICK OFF (Play decibel), roommate, Yukihiro Takaoka, Pizza Bozz, VJ MANAMI and BENZENE by VMTT