KA4U -Breactro Set
galcid -Live
Mari Sakurai
Yoshinori Hayashi (Smalltown Supersound | Going Good)
DJ mew
『エネルギーの渦を巻き起こす一夜のMUSIC JOURNEY』
Studio Xでは、モジュラーシンセサイザーを巧みに使いこなし、MUTEK.JPやBoiler Room、日本のみならず国内外のフェスティバルに出演し、日本におけるエレクトロニックミュージックシーンの重要人物であるgalcidが登場。大阪からは、DJ StingrayやLuke Vibertを招き、独自の音楽カルチャーを作り上げ新境地を開拓し続けるMIDI_sai主催のKA4UがContact初登場となり”Breactro set”というエレクトロから派生した未知なジャンルを披露する。そして、ベルリンの電子フェスティバルAtonalへの出演を果たし、〈Black Smoker Records〉からミックスCD、国外の数々のレーベルにミックスを提供し、現在もパーティシーンでオファーが絶えない異色の存在を放つ、¥ØU$UK€ ¥UK1MAT$U、テクノやベースシーンの新回路を牽引し、昨年はILINXやRe:birth等の野外フェスティバルに出演するなど活躍の幅を広げ、自身も野外レイヴ SLICKを主催をするなど、常に先端で活躍し続けるMari Sakuraiと主催のAkeyが多様なテクノサウンドでStudio Xを躍動させる。
Contactフロアでは、昨年のFESTIVAL de FRUEの出演が記憶に新しく、目覚ましい活躍を見せるDJ mew、NTS Radioのレギュラー・プログラムを持ち数々のミックスを提供したり、okadada × KIRAYAMA × OG from Militant でSPACE BASEを渋谷WWWβで開催し、フロアを沸かせていたKIRAYAMA、〈BLACK SMOKER〉より唯一無二の存在、KILLER-BONGのDJセット、ヨーロッパツアーや国内フェスティバルへの出演、昨年はノルウェーのレーベル〈Smalltown Supersound〉からジャングル~ジャズと89年-93年のクラブミュージックからインスピレーションを得た作品をリリースしたYoshinori Hayashiが出演する。
「A night of MUSIC JOURNEY that creates of vortex of energy」
Formed by high-wave music, Voltex bases its core in aggressive and energetic techno, bass music, and leftfield.
In Studio X, galcid, the master of modular synthesizers and an important figure in Japan's electronic music scene who's performed at MUTEK.JP, Boiler Room, and festivals not only in Japan but as well as overseas, makes her appearance. From Osaka, we have KA4U, the organizer of MIDI_sai who has invited the likes of DJ Stingray and Luke Vibert in the past, continuing to build a new platform and culture for music. He'll be making his Contact debut with a "Breactro set", an unknown genre derived from Electro. ¥ØU$UK€ ¥UK1MAT$U has performed at Berlin's electronic music festival Atonal, contributed mixes to a number of labels, released a Mix CD from〈Black Smoker Records〉, and still remains to be a unique figure in the party scene. From hosting her own outdoor rave "SLICK" to performing at festivals like ILINX and Re:birth last year, Mari Sakurai is a leading figure new circuit of cutting-edge sounds. And, your host Akey, along with the guests, will be providing a variety of techno sounds in Studio X.
Contact floor features DJ mew, who's been quite active and her performance at FESTIVAL de FRUE last year is still fresh in our memories, KIRAYAMA, who holds a regular program on NTS Radio and stirred up the crowd at Shibuya WWWβ as okadada × KIRAYAMA × OG from Militant for the party SPACE BASE. A DJ set by the one and only KILLER-BONG from〈BLACK SMOKER〉, and Yoshinori Hayashi, who's performed at countless local festivals, touring Europe, and released new works last year on Norway's label〈Smalltwon Supersound〉inspired by music ranging from Jungle to Jazz and club music from '89 ~ '93.
Enjoy the unexpected thrills and contrasts of both floors created by guests with originality whom are active in various fields.
Open 11PM
¥1000 Under 23
¥1000 Before 0AM
¥1500 GH G Members
¥2000 GH S Members
¥2500 FB Discount
¥3000 Door
Connected Underground -13th Anniversary- with Yoshihiro Sawasaki, サイケアウツG
GINZA 300BAR NEXT / Tokyo, Japan
MERRYSTARK 1st album RELEASE PARTY 「My Living Evidence」 ▼GUEST LIVE Yin And Yang