京都のハウスシーンを盛り上げるべく2人の男が立ち上がった! 回を重ねるごとに盛り上がりを見せるこのパーティー 見逃すな!
関西を軸に多くのレギュラーイベントを抱え、今なお幅広い年齢層に支持されている、”Hoshika a.k.a BABU”。
“Orienta-Rhythm”のメンバーであり、アメリカ、イギリス、イタリアをはじめとする世界中の多数のレーベルと契約し、今なおトラックを量産、発信し続け、世界中の名だたるトップDJ達から熱いサポートを受けている”Daisuke Miyamoto”。
共に黎明期よりハウスミュージックを愛し続け、今なおハウスミュージックをプレイし続けるクラブDJである2人が、地元京都にて「Only House Music」なレギュラーイベントを始動。
DJとして30年を優に越すキャリアがあり、Garage、Soul、Funk、DiscoといったRootsを持つ彼らのスタイルはどちらも基本黒く、骨太であり、80’s&90’sのHouse Classicsから最新のDeep、Soulful、Afro、Jackin、Techまで、あらゆるハウスを偏ることなく広くプレイするため、ハウスフリークでなくとも十分に楽しませてくれる。
Hoshika a.k.a BABU" has many regular events in Kansai and is still supported by people of all ages.
A member of "Orienta-Rhythm," he is signed to numerous labels around the world, including the U.S., U.K., and Italy, and continues to produce and distribute tracks, receiving enthusiastic support from top DJs from around the world. Daisuke Miyamoto is a member of "Orienta-Rhythm" and is signed to numerous labels around the world, including the United States, the United Kingdom, and Italy.
Both club DJs have loved house music since its early days and continue to play house music to this day, and they have started a regular "Only House Music" event in their hometown Kyoto.
With a career spanning over 30 years as DJs, both of them have roots in Garage, Soul, Funk, and Disco, and their styles are basically black and gritty, ranging from 80's & 90's House Classics to the latest Deep, Soulful, and Disco. They play a wide range of house music from 80's & 90's House Classics to the latest Deep, Soulful, Afro, Jackin, and Tech without any bias, so even if you are not a house freak, you will be entertained.
BEYOND the underground house music party