vol.02のゲストDJには、日本屈指のvinyl only techno/hard techno DJであり、vinylが持つダイナミックな音を巧みに操るKOSUKEを招聘。
ローカルDJは、technoの真髄に迫ったダーク&ストイックなmixを持ち味とするBIG Matsumura、rave sound event "Fracture"などCLUB UNDERを拠点に大阪へ新たなテクノシーンを齎しているFENGX2、PARK KING BABIESのメンバーであり類稀なセンスを以てDJ/Producerとして活躍中の _goodbyeforever_、グルーヴィーかつハイエナジーmixにてフロアを魅了するRyuta Ishimotoが参集。(敬称略)
The event is Hard techno / Hardcore techno event based on industrial sound, in Osaka.
The concept of this event is "overflowing with an energy that seems to melt steel with the fusion of the heavy kicks and vibes of the space".
The guest DJ is KOSUKE, one of the best vinyl only techno/hard techno DJ in Japan. He skillfully manipulates the dynamic sound of vinyl and brings the floor to frenzy.
The local DJ is BIG Matsumura : he is known for his dark and stoic mixes that get to the heart of techno, FENGX2 : he brings new techno scene to Osaka based at CLUB UNDER, including the rave sound event "Fracture", _goodbyeforever_ : a member of PARK KING BABIES and DJ/producer with exceptional taste, Ryuta Ishimoto : his DJ mixes are groovy and high-energy and always captivate the floor.
Music Teacher -UREI 1620- version