Duzzle Drums
Yuta Yamada (Play Of Color) B2B GooPer (AÉSTHETIC)
Onométro (Soundcasts)
KYOHEI TANAKA / GLEAM / Saeri / Taisei / Linopink
これまでKolter、Vitessをゲストに迎え、世界基準の音楽を日本にも伝えるべくスタートしたパーティー’The Swirl’が第3回目の開催を迎える。今回はオランダ、アムステルダム出身のプロデューサーであるDennis Quinをゲストに迎え、Miyashita Park ORの1F、3Fでの開催となる。
Dennis QuinはKerri ChandlerとJerome Sydenhamによる‘You’re In My System’のRemixやMadhouse Recordsからリリースした’’Move Out Of My Way’などのAuthenticなHouseだけでなく、Defected、PIV、Cecille、Solid Groovesなどからも最新のトレンドを取り入れたDeep House/House/Tech House、Dungeon MeatやConstant Soundsなどのアンダーグランド寄りなサウンドまで様々なジャンルをプロデュースしている。
また、DJとしても世界中の有名クラブやパーティーでプレイし、Shelter AmsterdamやColorado Charlieにて主催パーティー’QuINvites’を成功させており、プロデューサーとしてもDJとしても現在のHouseシーンには欠かせない存在となっている。
3FではDennis Quinの他に日本のHouseシーンを代表し、世界的にも活躍中のユニットDazzle Drumsを筆頭に、当イベントのサポートとしても参画しているDeep Tech/Tech Houseレーベル’Play Of Color’’主宰のYuta YamadaとMINT(JPN)、Hitoなどの有名DJからも楽曲をサポートされている期待のプロデューサーCLESENT、九州発のHouseパーティーAÉSTHETIC主宰のGooPer、Deep Houseを軸としたパーティーSoundcastsの主宰者の1人であるOnométroが出演する。
1Fでは20年以上のキャリアを重ね、新旧/ジャンルにとらわれないプレイを得意としているGTを始め、DJだけでなくCMの楽曲制作など幅広く活動しているKYOHEI TANAKA、東京だけでなく全国各地のパーティーに出演しているGLEAM、Toolroomなどの有名レーベルから楽曲をリリースする女性プロデューサーSaeri、Vinylでキャリアをスタートし卓越したMIXスキルと選曲センスに定評のあるTaisei、UK Garage/Houseなどを中心に様々なジャンルをプレイするLinopinkが出演する。
‘The Swirl’, a party that started with Kolter and Vitess to bring world-standard music to Japan, will be held for the third time. This time it will be held with Dennis Quin, a producer from Amsterdam, Netherlands, on the first and third floors of Miyashita Park OR.
Dennis Quin has produced a wide range of genres, from authentic house tracks like his remix of ‘You’re In My System’ by Kerri Chandler and Jerome Sydenham, as well as his release ‘Move Out Of My Way’ on Madhouse Records, to Deep House, House, and Tech House that incorporate the latest trends from labels like Defected, PIV, Cecille, and Solid Grooves. He also explores more underground sounds with labels such as Dungeon Meat and Constant Sounds as well.
As a DJ, he has played at famous clubs and parties all over the world, and has hosted successful parties ‘QuINvites’ at Shelter Amsterdam and Colorado Charlie, making him an essential part of the current House music scene as both a producer and DJ.
This will be his first visit to Japan, and we hope you will experience his aggressive and sensitive play.
On the 3rd floor, alongside Dennis Quin, there will be other amazing DJs. Dazzle Drums represents Japan’s house scene and is active on a global scale. Yuta Yamada and MINT (JPN) are the founders of the Deep Tech/Tech House label ‘Play Of Color,’ which is also supporting this event. CLESENT is a promising producer who has received support for his tracks from well-known DJs like Hito. GooPer is the organizer of the House music party AÉSTHETIC from Kyushu, which has happy vibes. Onométro is one of the organizers of Soundcasts, a deep house-focused party.
There will be amazing DJs playing on the 1st floor as well. GT, with over 20 years of experience, excels in blending both new and old tracks across various genres. KYOHEI TANAKA is not only a DJ but also active in a wide range of fields, including producing music for commercials. GLEAM is a popular DJ who performs not only in Tokyo but also at parties across Japan. Saeri has released high-quality tracks on renowned labels like Toolroom. Taise started his career at Vinyl and is known for her excellent mixing skills and track selection, which attracts a lot of people to his play. Linopink plays a wide range of genres, including UK Garage and House, at a high level.
Please enjoy a night of “swirling” frenzy and excitement produced by the best lineup of performers!
This performance will be a late-night event, and admission for customers under 20 years of age is not permitted.
Photo ID will be checked upon entry.
No refunds will be made for tickets purchased in error.
Please be careful when purchasing tickets.
BEYOND the underground house music party
Seaside Bar NEPTUNE / Kanagawa, Japan