02.11 (Tue)
TECHNOSHIP主宰。自身オーガナイズのパーティでは、これまでClaude Young (Different World)、KARIZMA (ex Basement Boys)、DJ YAMA (Sublime Records/REEL UP)といった、シーンのコアなアーティスト達を招き、真にアンダーグラウンドなヴァイブスを持ったパーティを展開してきた。2013年、yohei HIBIKIと共にTECHNOSHIP(青山0-ZERO-にて開催中)を立ち上げ、テクノミュージックによる音楽旅行を航海中。2016年にはTECHNOSHIP Chicago Tourを開催し、アメリカの広大な野外でのレイヴ、ローカルなアンダーグラウンド発信地Danny’sBarでプレイした。
As a DJ and Organizer, TAKASON GRACIE appeared in a wide variety of party in Tokyo. His DJing brings the fun,such as a journey in the dramatic to the audience.Since 2013, he started the resident party “TECHNOSHIP” with YOHEI HIBIKI.
With the concept “Back to the Frontier” and “Sound journey”,the party is becoming a high-profile event in Tokyo.... More Biography
As a DJ and Organizer, TAKASON GRACIE appeared in a wide variety of party in Tokyo. His DJing brings the fun,such as a journey in the dramatic to the audience.Since 2013, he started the resident party “TECHNOSHIP” with YOHEI HIBIKI.
With the concept “Back to the Frontier” and “Sound journey”,the party is becoming a high-profile event in Tokyo.... More Biography