1996年、DJデビュー。京都を中心に活動した後、2001年より大阪での活動を開始し、これまでに JUNKTION、NEO、Vinyl、joule、GRAND Cafe、UNDER LOUNGE、Sam&Dave5、Studio CANDYなどでプレイ。
Started his career as a DJ in 1996.
After having performed around the Kyoto area, he started performing in Osaka in 2001 and since then has performed at such clubs as JUNKTION, NEO, Vinyl, joule, GRAND Cafe, UNDER LOUNGE, Sam&Dave5, Studio CANDY and many others.
This sensational DJ makes the dance floor exciting with his extensive song selections. He uses a combination of house music along with his masterful song-mixing abilities.
Celebrating his 12th anniversary of being a DJ he plans to pump up the energy and is sure to bring even more animation to Osaka's house music scene...
Vol.12.of his own Mixing CD series ”@house” is currently planned to be released in the near future....
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