House Musicを軸に、都内のCLUBやBARを中心に活躍中。数多くの現場での経験をもとに、その場の雰囲気に合わせた選曲には定評が高い。
また、海外のCLUB MUSICシーンでもDJの評価が高く、フランスのOneLuvFM、イギリスのJUST HOUSE RADIO、アメリカのMJB WORLD MUSIC RADIOにて自身のDJ MIX 番組を持つ。
DISCO DJとしての経験も活かし、HOUSEのみにとどまらず、SOUL FUNK、R&B、EURO BEATなど複数のジャンルをPLAYできるのが強みである。
Neri is a HOUSE DJ based in Tokyo, Japan. He started his DJ career after hearing Francois Kevorkian play HOUSE MUSIC at a Tokyo nightclub in the late 1990's.
In the 2000's, he did DJ activities with a focus on HOUSE MUSIC, and in the 2010's he was also widely active as a DJ in disco with a focus on Eurobeat and SOUL FUNK, with a focus on dance music.
The house music party 'North Tokyo Night' that he started with Neri and Taisuke Kurosumi in 2017 in his hometown of North Tokyo has been attracting attention not only locally, but also overseas. It has become an iconic party for him.
Currently, Neri is also DJing at Aoyama Fai, Shinjuku WARP, Shibuya VISION and other major Japanese clubs in Tokyo....
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