そうした中で、高揚感あふれるPsychedelic Tranceに魅了されDJを目指す。その後、2021年初頭からDJとしての活動を開始。都内を中心に高円寺CAVE、渋谷WOMB、渋谷R lounge、新宿WARP、新宿SPACEでの出演経験があり、親交の深いオーガナイザーからのブッキングで野外イベントにも出演するなどキャリアを重ねている。
Born in Tokyo. He met Trance when he was invited to a club event when he was a college student.
He has a special interest in the club scene and dance music, and as he continues to frequent clubs in Tokyo, he develops friendships with clubbers, DJs, and organizers.
During this time, he became fascinated by the uplifting Psychedelic Trance and aspired to become a DJ. After that, he started working as a DJ from the beginning of 2021. He has performed at Koenji CAVE, Shibuya WOMB, Shibuya R lounge, Shinjuku WARP, and Shinjuku SPACE mainly in Tokyo, and has continued to build up his career by appearing at outdoor events when booked by organizers with whom he has close friendships.
In addition, in order to increase new fans and friends in the Psytrance ...
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