Fri, 31 Jan 2020
「WORLD CLASS 5th Anniversary」公演延期のお知らせ
4月28日(火)にageHaにて開催予定しておりました、WORLD CLASS 5th Anniversary feat.YELLOW CLAWは、
■ チケットに関して
Dear Fans,
In order to help prevent the spread of the Novel Coronavirus and in consideration of the health of customers, the artist and staff, The "WORLD CLASS 5th Anniversary feat.YELLOW CLAW" event scheduled for Tuesday, April 28th has been postponed.
The rescheduled date will be announced on ageHa's home page and SNS the moment it is confirmed.
Tickets purchased for this event will be valid for the rescheduled date so please be sure not to lose them. Customers who cannot attend the rescheduled date may request a refund from their respective ticket vendor.
We apologise to all of those who were looking forward to this event and look forward to seeing you at the rescheduled one.
Thank you for your understanding.
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Fri, 31 Jan 2020
six nine ▼LIVE SENSI Jer Main $tack SAI
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