iPhone, Android and Good 'ol Internet
Good news! The app now comes in three flavors. We've added an Android version and if you don't have an iOS device or and Android device we've also just made it work using your browser of choice. Don't worry, you can mix and match them, the magical cloud will sync your data for you.iPhone: https://itunes.apple.com/app/fuji-rock-festival-16-app/id1112045623
Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=tv.iflyer.fujirockfestival
Internet Only: https://apps.iflyer.tv/frf/ (just point your phone's browser to this URL)
Non-committal? You can also try it out or play around with the timetable below. Don't forget to login!
See your Friends Schedule in a Single View
Now this is truly amazing. Link your account with your Facebook, and not only can you see your friends' schedules, but you can see your combined schedules all in one view too! Finally you can figure out who wants to go where without having to pass your phone around or share screen shots of your schedule.Open the friends section by pressing the friends icon right in the middle of the main menu. Then just tap on your friend's name to see their schedule. Remember you need to have Facebook connected and your friends need to too. Otherwise it will be a very lonely friends section.
Once you have all of your friends in there just tap on your "my Timetable" and look for the small yellow circles in the upper left hand corner of each performance. The number indicates how many friends want to see that show and tapping on it shows you exactly who wants to go.
You can adjust your schedule right here by tapping on the red hearts to add or remove the performance from your own schedule. Remember not everyone has as great taste in music as you do, so don't let them influence you too much!
Share your Custom Time-table as a Collage
Once you've selected your artists and tweaked your time table, it's time to share it! We've made this cool little feature that combines all of the artists you like into a collage that you can share on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook or whatever you like. Just tap the "share" icon in the upper right hand corner of the app. Remember to use the #FujiRockApp hashtag. Enjoy!