●Brooklyn Terry(EliteForce)
New York,Brooklyn出身。Mariah Carey,Will Smith,Whitney Houston,Lil Kim,Da Bratなど数多くの有名アーティストの振り付けやツアーダンサー等を務め、またアンダーグラウンドでは世界的に有名なストリートダンス界の大御所チーム"Elite Force"のメンバーとして第一線で活躍。またそのセンスやスキルを生かし、アメリカのみならずアジア、ヨーロッパなど世界各国の有名な数々のイベントにてDJとしても活動。現在は独自にアパレルブランドを立ち上げるなど、多方面で活躍中。
He has choreographed and performed with internationally acclaimed artists such as Mariah Carey, Will Smith, Whitney Houston, Lil Kim, Da Brat and many more. He is a member of New York dance crew, Elite Force, and continues to maintain his status in the underground club scene by entering dance circle and innovating and developing his skills.He has also been DJ'ing since the age of 17 while mostly been local, (local in brooklyn NY is a pretty big thing).And now,He's playing and performing all of the world.
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