Antenes (L.I.E.S. | The Bunker New York | NY)
Wata Igarashi B2B Haruka (Tokyo Techno Society)
Arisa Shirota
Chris SSG (MNML SSG) B2B David Dicembre
Sapphire Slows (Nous | Kaleidoscope)
Tai T.Ram (Terminus. | SubCulture)
テクノという音楽を通して良い音楽や人と人との繋がりの場を提供することをコンセプトとし、大事にしているMNML SSGS。今回も、長きに渡って関係を築いてきたアーティストがラインナップに名を連ねる。
ヘッドライナーにはニューヨークからAntenesが登場する。2年前の初来日時のMNML SSGSでのDJセットは、バランスが取れつつも容赦のないエネルギッシュなプレイで大きなインパクトを残した。共に過去にMNML SSGSに出演した経歴があるWata IgarashiとHarukaは、昨年のTokyo Techno SocietyとLabyrinthに続き質の高いB2BをMNML SSGSでは初めて披露する。オープンを飾るのは、パーティのコンセプトにしっかりとマッチした才能ある若きDJ、Arisa Shirotaが担当し、この鋭いラインナップにNagisaがサイケデリックなライティング演出で花を添える。
Contactフロアでは、Chris SSGがパーティSound GardenでのパートナーDavid Dicembreと共にB2Bを披露する。また過去複数回に渡ってイベントに出演しているSapphire Slows、MNML SSGSが日本人DJとして最もお気に入りとしているAKIRAM ENや、初出演を飾るTai T.Ramがそこに続く。
「True techno party, MNML SSGS」
Techno is about enjoying good music and having fun, it is also more than that: it is a way we connect with other people. And this is what our party is about. All the artists playing are friends, people we have built relationships with. Joining us from New York is Antenes. 2 years ago she first played for us and left a strong impression with her balanced and dynamic approach to DJing, a sound that is perfectly matched for the Japanese dancefloor. Wata Igarashi and Haruka have both played for MNML SSGS before, this will be their first time playing together, following impressive B2B sessions at Tokyo Techno Society and Labyrinth last year. Opening the Studio will be Arisa Shirota, a talented young DJ who has a style that matches well with our party's concept. Complementing the music will be Nagisa’s psychedelic lighting, creating the perfect party ambience.
On the Contact floor, Chris SSG will be doing an extended B2B session with his Sound Garden partner, David Dicembre. Sapphire Slows, who has appeared at many of our events, will be joining us once again, alongside AKIRAM EN, one of our favourite Japanese DJs. Finishing things off with be Tai T.Ram, who will be making his MNML SSGS debut.
As always, at a MNML SSGS party you can expect quality music and good people. There is discounted entry for university students, so it is a great chance to experience a proper techno party. Come join us and be connected.
Open 10PM
¥1000 Before 11PM
¥1000 Student
¥2000 Under 23
¥2500 GH S Members
¥3000 w/Flyer
¥3500 Door
※学生割引は学生証の提示が必要です / Student ID is required for student discount
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