This is Gaitomo original International party at Ginza. Many Japanese who hope to get married to someone from abroad.
It is a popular venue for the parties of wedding ceremonies.
There are many artistic flowers, the concept is a European salon.
You don't lose, even if it is participating after finishing overtime at work. You can enjoy a party freely at your pace because it is cash bar style.
Around 80 people are expected to attend this party. Many Japanese and Non-Japanese will be participating.
Its a good opportunity to make new friends and find your language exchange partners or even find your girlfriends/boyfriends. Good chance to increase your network of friends and contacts. Come alone or bring your friends. Everybody is WELCOME! Just come and be ready to make new friends with everybody.
In our parties a lot of ladies come early or on time so to get the most out of the event, we recommend you get there at the beginning of our parties. You will be able to meet a lot of people and eat some delicious food while it is not too crowded! Sometimes the ladies arrive but don't come in or leave early after half an hour to an hour if there are not many foreigners. They look forward to meeting with many foreigners. So let's arrive for the start of the event and enjoy it to the utmost!
(Participants have a variety of English levels. Not all Participants can speak fluent English.)
Event Information:
DISCO Groovy / Kanagawa, Japan
「よみがえる大人のディスコ」 9月15日(祝前日)、‘70’80‘90年のディスコを再現します。
DISCO Groovy / Kanagawa, Japan
全力疾走vol.6 x Local collaboration ▼SP Guest KID DA NOIZE
【six nine】 ~ERASER Release Tour~ ERASER with Candee / Deech / ZOT on the WAVE / dubby bunny / HEA
Yokohama ThumbsUp / Kanagawa, Japan
キャメルゴルフ&ホテルリゾート / Chiba, Japan