ROTH BART BARON “Jiyu de Arukoto heno Chosen” has announced their 5th album “Loud Color(s) & Silence Festival” for the first time. They have also announced a 14 date tour of Japan which includes 7 members.
~ Kimi no Monogatari wo Tayasuna~
ROTH BART BARON won the grand prize at the <APPLE VINEGAR - Music Awards -2020> in April 2020 with their 4th album ”The Name of the Beasts”.
“Silence Festival“ is an activity for everyone in the world that incorporates living in a society, as a family and a community, which brings joy and happiness to ordinary life.
“Silence Festival“ acknowledges individuals, and it embraces diversity which celebrates you being you.
The artist Masaya Mifune’s creative process led him to believe that “Rock music will make a difference in the world”. His feeling is that music is the best method to truly express what ROTH BART BARON wants to express. This is how the performance “Loud Color(s) & Silence Festival” was created.
After Tetsuya Nakahara left the band, Masaya experienced some hard times, but after some time he started to create music with supporting musicians. ROTH BART BARON’s 5th album showcases the band’s powerful performance skills.
The album describes how amazing it is to perform and feel appreciative to be an artist, and to think back to where it all began. This cycle of life is how the “Silence Festival“ born.
Please enjoy!
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