︎◎︎◎ Meeting point Festival ◎︎◎︎
・ introduction ・
Theme is ...
--- P A R T Y G A L A X Y ---
English Intoroduction....
Let's all gather on the party planet.
They say there is a place somewhere in the universe where there are parties every day.
That people from different planets gather there,
Travelling on their spaceships across different galaxies, cutting through black holes.
Let's all meet on the party planet.
Let's all go to Meeting Point.
In 2020, the year with unprecedented events, the world changed.
Living a life that no one had imagined, people thought, felt and came to realization.
Understanding what was really important, redefining happiness.
Realizing the meaning behind meeting and connecting with others.
We should not just take,
But also share and give to each other.
We can show compassion, humanity,
Be kind to each other.
We can care and love nature,
Music and art,
Family and friends,
And people.
Together we can feel the wind,
Step on the earth beneath our feet,
Feel the joy of life.
This spring, under the sun,
Let's meet at the promised land.
--- Meeting point Festival ----
[ 1 s t P h a s e ]
comming soon.....
音楽との出会いは幼少期に遡り 母の影響で 80's music と Rock を聴いて育つ。 思春期には 音楽が輝いていた 90's , 00 's , を駆け抜け やがて HARDCORE PUNK と SLASH METAL に多大な影響を受ける。 飽くなき冒険心と探求心で世界各国から発掘したフレッシュなアーティストや新たなグルーヴを紹介し発信する大阪出身 中二病DJ 独自のリズム感とグルーヴ感を武器に "ダンシングスピリット"を揺さぶること。を信条に掲げた " Groovy Psy trance " をセレクト。 大小関わらず積極的にパーティーを開催、サポートし 日本全国を舞台...
横堀海岸 海の家みなとや / Kanagawa, Japan
nowhere CAMP / Fukushima, Japan
nowhere CAMP / Fukushima, Japan
nowhere CAMP / Fukushima, Japan
nowhere CAMP / Fukushima, Japan
=B.O.B. (Blessings On Blessings) vol.2=