Deep Underground Techno Party
White Space Lab
10/26 Thu. 19:00-23:30
Door.1,500 / Adv.1,000 yen
10月のPolynasiaは、お馴染みPolynasia発足当初から定期的にGuestとして出演し、長期の活動実績と安定したプレイから絶対的な信頼を確立しているSHUICHIと、大阪出身・現在は東京のUndergroundシーンで活躍し、繊細な選曲とGrooveでフロアを沸かすMonna Lisaが待望のB2Bセットを披露。
October's Polynasia will feature SHUICHI, who has appeared regularly as a guest since the well-known Polynasia's inception and has established absolute trust from his long-term activity record and stable play, and SHUICHI, who is originally from Osaka and is currently in the Underground scene in Tokyo. Monna Lisa, who is active in Japan and stirs up the floor with her delicate song selection and groove, will perform a long-awaited B2B set.
In addition, he has been active in the Japanese Amapiano world for a long time, and has also worked as a music engineer and studio musician.The 35DH-1, which is capable of playing a wide range of genres centering on Amapiano, will be featured at the opening due to his extensive knowledge and experience. Based on the Pacific Rim Electronic Sound Network, they will perform a special set that pursues the essence of Asian techno. With an unprecedented lineup and a wide range of musicality based on Techno, they will brighten up the nights in Kobako in the depths of autumn.
SHUICHI & Monna Lisa B2B
【Guest DJ紹介】
94年よりDJ活動開始。当時のダンスミュージックの中心地だった六本木、青山、渋谷でHouse DJとしてオーガナイズも兼ねた形で活動。Loleatta Holloway, Kenny Bobien, Salome De Bahia等と共演するなど精力的に活動する中で、2004年に一時的に活動を休止。
2011年に再びDJ活動を再開し、現在はTechno、Minimalを軸にLeftfieldな領域に至るまでの、よりDeepな世界観を構築していく音楽性に舵を切り、更なる音楽の魅力と機能性を追求し、シーンへのアプローチを続けている。他にもElectronica, Dub, House, Disco, Jazz, Latin, Drum' n Bass, Ambient..等、キャリアを活かしたエクスクルージヴな選曲、Clubのダンスフロアは勿論、BarやLounge、野外、クルージング等のセットにも定評があり、そのサウンドと感性を常に進化させ続ける事を信条としている。
Started DJ activities in 1994. He also worked as an organizer as a house DJ in Roppongi, Aoyama, and Shibuya, where he felt comfortable with dance music at the time. She temporarily took a hiatus in 2004 while actively performing with Loreatta Holloway, Kenny Bobian, Salome de Bahia, and others.
In 2011, he resumed his DJ activities, and currently he is building a deeper world view, focusing on techno and minimal music, and is developing a deeper world view, and is seeking to further enhance the appeal and functionality of music. We continue to pursue and approach the scene. In addition to electronica, dub, house, disco, jazz, Latin, drum and bass, ambient, etc., we have selected exclusive songs based on your career, and are perfect for club dance floors, bars, lounges, outdoors, cruising, etc. They have an established reputation, and their sound and sensibilities are constantly evolving.
◇Monna Lisa
10代の頃から LONDON や IBIZA での現地の生きた音楽に触れ、そこで奏でられる、UK Garage / Techno / Chilloutの文化が、現在のディープかつユニークでセクシーな彼女独特のセットに強い影響を与えることとなった。帰国後、大阪を拠点にDJとしてのキャリアをスタートさせると、Techno / House DJとして海外アーティストのJAPAN TOURのサポートや、そのイベントオーガナイズチームとしても精力的に活動を続ける。世界最大のUKダンスミュージックブランド “Ministry of Sound” の姉妹ブランド “Hed Kandi” の国内パーティーでは、レギュラー出演の回を増す毎に明らかな異彩を放ち、メインタイムでのステージで経験を積む。数々の有名ホテルでの Deep House / Deep Techno を交えた、まさに “空間”と “時”を彩る音の説得力には定評がある。また、〈PIG & DAN〉や〈Steave Bug〉とのコラボで注目を集める、テクノパーティー “SiiNE”の中心メンバーとしての活動を経て、2017年4月東京に拠点を移す。その後“SiiNE tokyo” を創設すると、Bryan Brack (minihard) やKevin Castro (SCI+TEC) 等を日本に招集するなど、その活動の幅を広げ続けている。
誰にも真似できない、唯一無二の存在感を示す彼女は、今最も注目すべきTechno DJ, Producerの1人である。
Born in 1994.
Since she was a teenager, she has been exposed to live local music at LONDON and IBIZA, and the UK Garage / Techno / Chillout culture played there has had a strong influence on her current deep, unique and sexy sets. It became. After returning to Japan, he started his career as a DJ based in Osaka, and continued to actively support overseas artists' JAPAN TOUR as a Techno/House DJ and as part of the event organizing team. At the domestic parties of ``Hed Kandi'', a sister brand of the world's largest UK dance music brand ``Ministry of Sound'', each time he regularly appears, he clearly stands out and gains experience on the main stage. He has a reputation for the persuasive power of sounds that truly color “space” and “time,” including Deep House/Deep Techno at many famous hotels. In addition, after working as a core member of the techno party "SiiNE", which has attracted attention through collaborations with PIG & DAN and Steave Bug, he moved to Tokyo in April 2017.After that, as "SiiNE Tokyo" continued, the range of their activities continued to expand, such as inviting Brian Black (Mini Hard) and Kevin Castro (SCI + TEC) to Japan.
She is one of the most notable techno DJs and producers today, with a unique presence that no one can imitate.
現在はその延長にあるDrum'n'Bassや中南米のBPM遅めのSlow Techno、そして環太平洋電子音響網的な中国や台湾、韓国やヴェトナム等の電子音響、そして南アフリカのAmapianoを軸に3StepやAfro Techな音を交えつつ音楽の深化を日々追求するプレイを披露。”
“In 1988, I started working as a DJ in various places in addition to my work as a recording engineer and studio musician. While playing mainly in the general framework of jazz, I completely shifted to jungle/drum and bass in the mid-90s. Developed a jazzy play that further deepened the bass music.
Currently, we are focusing on Drum'n'Bass, which is an extension of that, slow techno with a slow BPM from Latin America, electronic sound from China, Taiwan, South Korea, Vietnam, etc., which is part of the Pacific Rim Electronic Acoustic Network, and 3Step and Amapiano from South Africa. While forgetting the Afro-tech sound, he performed a play that pursues the deepening of music every day.
19:00~20:00 35DH-1
20:00~21:00 Aibis
21:00~22:00 Arao
22:00~23:30 SHUICHI & Monna Lisa B2B
■White Space Lab
Ace Special Guest Live T.P.D.N (@king_t.p.d.n)
神奈川で活躍するDJが集まる DJ PARTY / ホテル×音楽 /off the record night【7月20日(土)18~22:00】
slash kawasaki / Kanagawa, Japan
《"Rafael Suzuki" movie Exhibition》
Deep Underground -Thursday Deep Techno & House Night-