2月のBEYONDはWORLD CONNECTION! 今回はロンドン、イビザを拠点とするDJ El Conchitasが来坂!
2月のBEYONDはworld connection !
Dj El Conchitas from London/Ibiza
イタリア出身で現在はロンドンを拠点に活動する彼女は、ロンドンのスーパークラブPopstarzでのレジデントと、Shoreditch Radioのラジオ番組Hot Jukeboxで一躍有名になった。現在、GAYDIOで放送中の番組で、エルは世界中の聴衆に定期的に発信している。
それ以来、彼女の出演は、Ministry Of Sound、Dalston Superstore、Soho and Shoreditch House、Century Club、The Scala、Hidden、The Coronet、The End、02 Academy、Lord Napier、The Boxなど、首都の有名な会場のほとんどに及んでいる。
最新シングル「Over & Over」は現在Beatportのハイプ・チャートにランクインしており、2024年2月初旬にはMoustache Crew Recordsから新作がリリースされる予定。
El Conchitas is an international female DJ with a legacy of clients and bookings all DJs revere. Originally from Italy, but now based in London, she shot to fame for her residency at London's super club Popstarz and her radio show, Hot Jukebox on Shoreditch Radio. With her current show on GAYDIO, El is regularly reaching audiences on a worldwide scale.
Since then, her appearances include most of the leading and high-profile venues across the capital including Ministry Of Sound, Dalston Superstore, Soho and Shoreditch House, Century Club, The Scala, Hidden, The Coronet, The End, 02 Academy, Lord Napier and The Box.
Having been regularly booked to play at exclusive events for major brands, El's client list includes Hugo Boss, Marc Jacobs, Edeline Lee, Calvin Klein, Versace and Roberto Cavalli.
International appearances include Lanten (Beijing), Es Vive, Pikes (Ibiza), Leopard Valley (Goa), Club 41 (Cape Town), El Garito (Tamarindo), Hot Rabbit (New York) World Pride Sydney, London and Brighton pride and many more.
She was booked as the headlining DJ at the VIP Party for the 2022 GQ Awards in London.
Her DJ set is a fusion of house, club classics and Nu- disco
He latest single, Over & Over is currently climbing the Beatport hype chart, and a new release is due out on Moustache Crew Records early February 2024.
Dj Thale
1999年大阪生まれのDJ。クラシックハウスの文脈を基軸にしつつも、ジャズやディスコを織り交ぜながら自由な解釈でプレイに臨んでいる。シカゴへの渡米を経て、現在は大分・九州を中心に活動。国内外の実力派・気のアーティストの来県をサポートしている。2023年にはGarrett David、Hush Hushのジャパンツアーをプロデュース。次世代のシカゴハウスDJと日本を繋ぐ稀有な存在でもある。
Born in 1999 in Osaka, Thale is a DJ who plays with a free interpretation, mixing jazz and disco with a classic house context as a base. After studying in Chicago, he is currently active mainly in Oita and Kyushu area. He has supported many talented and up-and-coming artists from Japan and abroad. In 2023, he produced Garrett David and Hush Hush's Japan tour. He is also a rare person who connects Japan and the next generation of Chicago house DJs.
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