As announced by the artist himself, Ross From Friends, who was scheduled to perform at the CYK 8th Anniversary on 2 November, has been canceled due to the artist's health reasons, which made it difficult for him to tour.
We apologize for the last-minute announcement.
Due to the cancellation of Ross From Friends' appearance, we will be able to offer refunds to those who wish to receive them. Please wait for the information on the procedure from the ticket sales platform Zaiko.
Despite the changes, we assure you that the event will be a two-man project between CYK and Stones Taro. The price on the day will be reduced from 4,500 yen to 4,000 yen. Furthermore, CYK will distribute original CYK stickers to those who purchase tickets in advance and come to the event without requesting a refund.
Please understand that this was a tough decision for Ross From Friends himself. We hope that one day, he will return to the stage in good health.
We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may cause those looking forward to seeing him perform.
JUNGLE PARTY Tribal Connection VOL.109
Ace ◆ LIVE illBoy MELTDOWN $tack SENSI Joker clown KAMACHI
ૐ 曼陀羅 宴 ~ Root Down Rise Up ~ૐ -MaNDaLa- UTAGE ~Root Down Rise Up ~
【six nine】 ▼Special guest AYA a.k.a. PANDA ▼RELEASE LIVE ¥U-$UKII