100万枚ものアルバムを売り上げ、UNDERWORLD、THE PRODIGY、LEFTFIELD などとともに90年代 UK・ダンス・ミュージック・シーンにおいて燦然と輝いた THE SHAMEN のフロントマンであり、アシッドハウスのイノベイターである MR.C は、自身の音楽活動に加え、Plink Plonk(1992)、End Recordings(1995)、SUPERFREQ (2004) などのレーベル運営、ロンドンの名門クラブ THE ENDのCO-PRODUCERを務めるなど常に精力的に活動を続け、テクノ・テックハウス・シーン自体の創出に寄与し、楽曲面でも数々のクラシックを生み出したまさに世界のTOP DJ/Producerの1人である。今回は、Connected Undergroundで活躍中のライブアクト・Paul Leonardの尽力によって京都METROでのMr.Cのプレイが実現!間違いなく必聴・必見です。是非、お越しください!
Special Guest DJ:
(Superfreq, The Shamen, Plink Plonk, The End / London, England)
BODIL (Rote Lippen Kyoto)
Paul Leonard (Originally from Sheffield, UK)
DJs :
Ryoma Sasaki (Transit Records Kyoto)
Wataru Horiuchi
Artist Info:
▣ MR.C (Superfreq, The Shamen, Plink Plonk, The End / England)
Richard West aka Mr.C was born in London in the late 60's. He started MCing in clubs aged 16 & soon earned a reputation as a fast talking vivacious rapper working with LWR radio's Ron Tom, Jasper the Vinyl Junkie & Jazzy M. Mr.C then hooked up with Colin Faver & Evil Eddie Richards to became resident rapper at the legendary Camden Palace in London, going on to MC for Colin Faver on the then illegal pirate radio station Kiss FM. Mr.C went into the studio to record his first Deep House track called Page 67 with Eddie Richards as Myster-E, which was released in August 1987. This inspired Mr.C to become a DJ to learn more about his beloved House & Techno music so in September 1987 Richard quit his milkman job & took to the decks. Mr.C has since organized, promoted & been resident DJ at: Fantasy ('88), Base (Dungeons '89), Release (91), Harmony (92), Drop (93), Cyclone (94), Vapourspace (94 & 95), Flavour (The End 95 & 96), Subterrain (The End 95 - 2002), Superfreq (Worldwide 2002 - Present), Super Disco Freq (LA 2010 - present), Souled Out (2021 – present).
Mr.C was also resident DJ at the legendary RIP parties at Clink Street in London throughout 1988. It was here that Rave Culture as we know it is said to have been born, inspiring many London raves that were to follow in 88, 89 & 90.
After working on various pirate radio stations including LWR, Fantasy FM & Dance FM, Mr.C held down a weekly radio show called Future Music on Kiss 100FM in London from 1993-2002. He has also presented TV shows for MTV, FH1, VIVA & BBC making Mr.C one of the most iconoclastic DJs in the world.
In December 1995 Mr.C opened his legendary nightclub The End in London with Partner Layo Paskin, which celebrated its 13th anniversary in December 2008 & was lauded as one of the best night clubs in the world, completely changing the face of clubbing in London & beyond. Sadly, The End & AKA closed its doors for good on January 24th 2009. One Chapter closes & another begins.
Mr.C is co-founder & owner of Plink Plonk records, co-founder & co-owner of End Recordings & founder & co-owner of the Superfreq label, which is now releasing music prolifically.
Mr.C has recorded under the names, Myster-E, Unity 2, Nu Jacks, Bass Bureau, The Shamen, Mantrac, Somnambulist, Animus Amour, Killer Loop, Mr.C & Tom Parris, Mr.C & 16B, Sycophant Slags, Indigo Kidz, East LA Tek & Wonkytonk.
Mr.C is best known as front man, songwriter & producer of the pop group The Shamen with whom he notched up a string of top 10 hits including Move Any Mountain, Love Sex Intelligence, Boss Drum, Phorever People & the UK number 1 smash hit Ebeneezer Goode. These hits were hits the world over. The Shamen album Boss Drum went double platinum in the UK & they also won a highly coveted Ivor Novelo for Songwriters of the year UK in 1992/93. Richard's currently recording solo as Mr.C & is also doing collaborations as the Indigo Kidz with Affie Yusuf & more recently with Noel Jackson as East LA Tek, with Radio Rental as Wonkytonk & new forthcoming project The Cheek with Modulon.
Mr.C recently put on his brand-new boutique Summer Love Festival, which took place in Surrey on Saturday 4th September 2021 with great success. This boutique festival marries late 80s Acid House Culture with Modern Cutting-Edge Dance Music Culture effortlessly, providing specialist old school & modern House, Acid House, Minimal, Techno, Electro, Disco, Funk, Soul & Dub music. This event will now be an annual festival in England, with the next event taking place on Saturday 17 September 2022.
Mr.C runs & promotes Superfreq events, which is currently celebrating its 20th anniversary. Superfreq ran monthly at Mr.C's club The End until it closed down in January 2009 and now functions quarterly in London, hopping around various pop-up warehouse venues & clubs. These have included The Steelyard after an extremely successful event with Richie Hawtin in December 2015, regular events at Fabric, quarterly events at Red Gallery until it’s closure in July 2018 & now after hopping around various warehouse spots Superfreq will are throwing our London events at Egg London. Superfreq does regular events in Los Angeles & annual events in Brooklyn, Chicago, San Francisco, San Diego & Dallas as well as one off events in various cities in the United States. Superfreq also has done events in Vancouver, Playa Del Carmen, Mexico City, Ibiza, Bogota, Montañita & other one offs the world over. Superfreq has competed 2 Asia tours hitting Manila, Phnom Penh, Siem Reap, Kuala Lumpur, Singapore, Bangkok, Beijing & Shenzhen. Superfreq accomplished 7 successful seasons in Ibiza, 3 at Club Underground, 2 at the legendary DC10, 1 season at Blu, 3 events at Aura & hosted annual events at BPM Festival in Playa Del Carmen until it’s unfortunate closure.
These last 2 years have been very strange for the entire music industry but that hasn’t stopped Mr.C from releasing a lot of his own music & remixes as well as Superfreq’s great roster every 3-4 weeks. His Radical Inclusion remixes went down a storm in March 2020 after the original release in summer 2019. He followed those remixes up with his outstanding Celebration of Life single in late 2020. His recent Wonkytonk project with Radio Rental got lots of attention with his own Mr.C remix particularly doing damage. His recent series of 3 back-to-back EP releases with Noel Jackson as East LA Tek got a lot of attention, as did recent Mr.C remixes for Nepotek, Sam Money, J Gabriel & Chuffing Buffy & Terry Francis for Superfreq. Mr.C has been extremely busy & has more remixes of both Sam Monie & Terry Francis as well as a new Mr.C EP in the pipeline. Superfreq will continue to prolifically release music every 3-4 weeks for the remainder of 2022.
▣ BODIL (Rote Lippen Kyoto)
様々なユニットを経て、2003 年より関西を中心に活動を開始。テクノ、 ハードミニマルのサウンドにアナログシンセ、ヴォーカル、メタルパーカッション等 のライブパフォーマンスをおこない話題を集めてきたが、2014年よりシンセ・ ニューウェイヴをコンセプトにキーボーディストのメンバーを加え、完全ヴォーカル スタイルの新生BODILとして活動を開始。現在まで、月数本のライブをコンスタントに休むことなく行っている。 2017年7月には、LIQUIDROOM13周年で電気グルーヴのオープニングアクトを務めた。2021年、Transmission Kyotoから『Hölle und Himmel』 (TMDG001) をデジタル・リリース、そして昨年、フルアルバム 『KÖRPERKOMPLEX』を Rote Lippen Kyotoからリリースしている。
Release Information:
Artist: BODIL
Label: Rote Lippen Kyoto
Cat#: RLCD001
Release Date: 8.29 2022 (Digital)
9.16 2022 (CD)
と言いたくなるサウンドのドッペルゲンガーがここに / 石野卓球
▣ Paul Leonard
Audio/visual artist living in Kyoto, Japan. Originally from Sheffield, UK.
Uses all hardware setup for live performances (Jomox + Modular). Performs at underground parties & events in Japan. Music Style: Acid House / Techno.
▣ Ryoma Sasaki (Transit Records Kyoto)
90年代より関西を中心に本格的に音楽活動を開始。現在、主に、Live PA / Djとして活動中。 2007年、チャートで上位を獲得し、ロングラン・ヒットを記録したカナダのレーベル・Dirty Worksからリリースされたアルバム”Calling of Amon”をかわきりにコンスタントに楽曲をリリース。そして、2011年より主宰Vinyl レーベル・Transit Records Kyotoをス タートさせた。ファースト・リリースとして、デトロイトのレジェンドDJの一人、Terrence Parkerの作品を、2013年にはレーベルの第2弾として、自身の作品”Transit EP” (Tagtrumer Remix収録)(TR-001)をリリースした。2015年には、Hiroshi Watanabe氏とのカップリングEP “The Bridge of Sounds EP”(TR-003)、2016年には、ベルリンのアーティストBee Lincolnとともに”Transition EP”(TR-004)、2017年6月、ベルリンの名門レーベルLebensfreudeのGunneとZuckermannのリミックスを収録した”Without End Hour EP(TR-005)”をリリース、Tyree CooperやGene FarrisといったレジェンドDj達からサポートを受けた。
2011年から現在に至るまで、計10回のドイツでのDJツアーを行い、テクノ・ミニマル系最高峰ク ラブのTresor.Berlinをはじめ、Wilde Renate、GoldenGate、Cookies、Ipse Berlin, Chalet等々、ベルリンの主要クラブに出演の他、フランクフルト、ハンブルグ、マンハイム等のクラブ、ハイデルベルク郊外の千人規模の山頂でのフェス等、幅広く出演している。さらに、2018年から毎年、オーストリアでもプレイし、ウィーン、グラーツ、リンツで公演している。こういった日本とドイツでの活動を通じ、ドイツのラジオ局に注目され、2014年、南西ドイツ放送(Südwestrundfunk)のプログラムで、自身とTransit Records Kyotoが取り上げられ約30分の番組として放送された。 2018年1月、名門レーベルTrenton Records主宰ReynoldのRemixを収録した”The Phase at Midnight EP”(TR-006)をリリース。2000 and Oneをはじめとした著名アーティストから高い評価を得ている。そして、2020年10月には、”Journey in My Head” (TRDG004)を、2021年12月31日には、“String Vibrates” (TRDG005)をリリース。
Ryoma is a track maker and DJ who is well known in the Japanese underground. He started his career as a musician in the early 90’s. He has had a lot of experience in a variety of underground bands as a guitarist and vocalist. He then started to participate in the club music scene playing live and DJing, and was nominated as a finalist of the Roland Groove Competition in 2000. He currently plays an activepart in the Kansai scene, playing live and DJing in Kyoto and Osaka, and organizing the locally famous event Undermine at Kyoto’s legendary Club Metro. His strong livesets have an excellent reputation and he has played with prolific domestic and international artists including Juan Atkins aka Model 500, Underground Resistance, Jeff Mills, Carl Craig, Terrence Parker, Laurent Garnier, Stefan Goldmann, Elektro Guzzi, Gunne&Zuckermann, DJ3000, Rennie Foster, Hiroshi Watanabe aka Kaito, Edward, Oskar Offermann and many more.
In 2009 he started to run his own record shop “Transit Records Kyoto” and as of next year started to run his own label, Transit Records Kyoto. The first release was Detroit legend Terrence Parker’s “Beautiful Life” with Ryoma’s remix and another Kyoto artist DJ Itoi (Ken’ichi Itoi). And the second release was his own title “Transit EP” including the remix by Tagträumer² (Black Fox Music/Rauschzeit). After it, He released Stefan Goldmann’s brilliant track “Empty Suit” for the 3rd release. The 4th release was the coupling EP with Hiroshi Watanabe (Kompakt/Transmat) and 5th release was the coupling EP with Bee Lincoln. In 2017, the 6th vinyl “Ryoma Sasaki – Without End Hour EP” including Gunne, Zuckermann’s remixes was released. It got the good supports from famous great Djs like Tyree Cooper and Gene Farris. Now the label is preparing Ryoma’s new work for the 8th vinyl release.
Until now, he did the Germany tour 10 times, and started Austria tour in 2018: played at many clubs: Tresor. Berlin, Wilde Renate, Golden Gate, Chalet, Cassiopeia, ipse.Berlin, Paloma, Molox Club, Mikz, Crack Bellmer, Silbergold, Café Koz, Konfuzius Franz, Kraniche Bei Den Elbbruecken, Kurzbar, Kaprowbar, Villa Nachttanz, Rhiz (Vienna), Schlot (Linz) etc…
▣ Ouchi-S
Ouchi-S is a DJ who performs mainly in Kyoto and Osaka. He started his career as Funk DJ in 2010, playing mainly funk,soul and jazz music of the 60’s 70’s. He participated in a Kyoto’s prominent deep funk party『FUNK78』at that time. As he advanced in DJ’ing, he made a commitment to build his career by playing house music like detroit house, deep house and tech house. He also loves the vinyl and most of the time pilots turntables, delivering a sound which boldly expresses his funkness. Currently he is playing in an underground techno/house party『Connected Underground』,『Deep Underground』,『yelltail』, all held in “Kyoto Metro” that is legendary night club in this historical city. In 2018, he released his own mix tape”inspired by there.
Deep Underground -Thursday Deep Techno & House Night-
Japaradiso! -Japanese Disko & City Pop Experience- 5th Anniversary Special with DJ 吉沢dynamite.jp
en-JOY -Takashi Ohyama's Birthday Bash-