The Chainsmokers are one of the hottest artists in the music industry now.
As Steve Aoki talked with us, they are breaking the boundaries of music and topping global music charts all over the world with their infectious tunes. It's the genuine feeling in their music expressed by raw relatable lyrics that speaks to so many music fans.

We can't wait to have them in Japan for SUMMER SONIC but before the crazy festival weekend, take a look at a mini interview with The Chainsmokers below. They talk about how they choose vocalists for tracks and their mindset when making a track go viral.

■How did your hit single “Don’t Let Me Down” come about?

We had been listening to a lot of the XX, explosions in the Sky and Trap music. We wanted to create something that felt like a collage of all of that. We were on the plane and messing around with some beats and guitar and next thing we had the foundation for the beat of DLMD.

Later that week we had a session with Emily Warren and Scott Harris and they wrote the topline with us for the song. They are some of the most talented writers around. Then we wanted to find the perfect feature to sing it, we really considering keeping Emily warren on it, but when Daya heard it and loved it we all agreed she would be an amazing option for the song. She crushed it and now here we are with our biggest song ever.

■The single has become a huge hit on radio and Spotify. When you were creating it did you think it would have this success?

We did think we had something special after finishing it but in no way did we think it would be this big. We really can’t believe how global the song has become and we are really honored that so many people have embraced it and enjoyed it.

■“Roses” really helped break you guys as artists. What was your vision or goal when you were making the song?

At that point in time we thought fuck it, we aren’t making traditional dance music anymore. We thought about all the musical influences we had growing up and wanted to bring that into our music, instead of fitting in with what everyone else was making. So it wasn’t easy but we started making music for ourselves that we enjoyed and that led to roses.

■Tell us how you produced Roses?

That’s a tricky question because we don’t want to get all technical but we put up on youtube a full 1 hour video of exactly how we made the song from start to finish. From a creative standpoint though we made the song in 7 hours with the help of Rozes. Topline and production. It was a really fluid process where the song sort of unraveled as it was being produced and thus it has this very organic feel. The process taught us a lot about making music and our style.

■What do you think of the current EDM / dance music scene now? Where do you expect it to go in the future?

People always ask us this and we don’t have any answer. We are very happy with dance music and like anything there are good and bad things about it. But overall its been a pleasure to be a part of it. As for its future, its not going anywhere but like all thigns there a cyclical nature to it, so it will have its lows and then it will very much have its highs…

■All of the artwork looks great. Who is the designer?

Thanks! We have always been super involved in all our social and creative imagery. Most of the early stuff we did ourselves completely. But now we work with a great company called impossible brief in the UK. They are like brothers to us, and we work with them on all our designs.

■How do you pick up and choose a vocal artist? How/why did you pick Daya?

There isn’t one answer, sometimes it’s a feeling, sometimes we are fans, sometimes its their talent. We prefer working with artists that are growing and don’t have a preconceived idea of what they are. We relish authenticity and rawness. With daya it was a matter of us being huge fans of hers, we met, thought she was really cool, she had an amazing voice and a lot going for her and thought she could crush the song, which she did.

■What is your favorite artist all the time?

Probably Kanye West.

■What is your impression of Japan and Japanese fans?

Its such a beautiful place and there is so much culture. A lot of cities lack that vibrance…. There is grime and luxury and history all in one place. It also has a lot fo its own culture rather than appropriating it from other cultures. Its amazing place to come and the people are very passionate.

■What’s next for The Chainsmokers?

More music, more fun, more travel!

■Please give a message for your Japanese fans.

If you think you are into our music now, just wait to see hwat we have coming next. We thank you so much for being so supportive thus far, but the next chapter is going to be even better!

Their UK and Europe Tour have already SOLD OUT shows. Their Red Rocks Tour in the US has already SOLD OUT too. A very lucky chance to go see the duo in Japan! Your chance to go see them at SUMMER SONIC is here at iFLYER! We even have hotel combos so no hassle!

Check it out here! The two dates below are the days The Chainsmokers will be performing live at SUMMER SONIC. Please note that they are separate venues and you will need a separate ticket for each venue.

TOKYO (20th)



OSAKA (21th)